enjoying your three day weekend?


Well-Known Member
the angry white racist who claims to be some type of growing guru doesn't understand why people would make bubble hash :lol:

let's see some more pictures of your awesome grows featuring neon yellow twigs!
Like I've admitted before, spelling and grammar are not one of my strengths. I'm a business major, besides, look where it got you, unemployed and surviving on six plants!
sig material?


Well-Known Member
I worked for two different unions before I started a business, both of them had quota performance clauses that were put in place by management (the company) not the unions. I remember one time our BA telling us to take it easy because they were in negotiations with management to ease up on production, some of the senior union members were complaining they were over worked. Truth was, they were lazy fat slobs that got after us young guys for making them look bad. One of them was my foreman, this guy used to hide on the job-site during part of the day and take naps.

Take Cal-Trans for instance, you'll see 7-8 guys on a two man job standing around holding a shovels up talking instead or working, yeah unions are great, for the lazy and the unions.
you know what i love about you beenthere? you live and see america through your little bubble. if you haven't experienced it, its not true. I think what you said is true, and I believe you. But do you really think all unions are like that? serious question, I expect an honest serious answer......


Well-Known Member
funny thing is he will try to pretend that we're the racists and act like this never happened in a day or two.

rolli won't let me keep sigs that feature people being dumbasses anymore, sadly.

does anyone else suspect that he is not referring to his neon yellow twigs in his sig where he says to "keep um hanging"?


Well-Known Member
funny thing is he will try to pretend that we're the racists and act like this never happened in a day or two.

rolli won't let me keep sigs that feature people being dumbasses anymore, sadly.

does anyone else suspect that he is not referring to his neon yellow twigs in his sig where he says to "keep um hanging"?
I'm sorry
After you pounded him for awhile
He said those pictures were 30 years old
And all the work experience he has
Now he says he is a business major
Problem with lying is
You can never keep track, you get busted eventually.


Ursus marijanus
Because only a whiteboy in this day and age would think Nigga was a racist term.
The real question is, just how racist you, Bucky and Chesus are to assume I was white?

My father was a half Caribbean black/half Cuban Latino raised in Maroon Town Jamaica, how about you?
Emphatically disagree. Regardless the race of the user, it is an ugly word. If it can't be used evenly by people of any race, there is a definite Fuck You element to its use by black people. My opinion. cn


New Member
you know what i love about you beenthere? you live and see america through your little bubble. if you haven't experienced it, its not true. I think what you said is true, and I believe you. But do you really think all unions are like that? serious question, I expect an honest serious answer......
To be honest I have no idea if all unions are like that, I been a member of two and it was like that with both of them.

Even though I'm not a part of the teachers union, I do have first hand knowledge of how they operate in CA. and they are far worse than the private unions I spoke of. Try and fire a tenured teacher that is a total failure, see how long it takes, if you even can. If you want to deny this, be my guest and look like a fool doing so.

Lets use Cal-Trans as an example. Not sure where you are from but you can ask anyone that lives here about their work ethic, if that's what they call it. I wasn't BSing about 7-8 guys standing around doing a 2 man job, it's a reality. We have the second highest fuel tax in the country and arguably the worst highways in the nation.

How about our public employee unions, who during an employees last years the union encourages them to work all the overtime they can, they also get raises right before retirement. This is to maximize their retirement pension because the state of California calculates their pension on the last two years of income!

So what kind of bubble are you referring to, the prism you see from the books and articles you read, or the one I witness in real life?


New Member
you dont know shit about growing
or tolerance
And Union or no Union
Tenure means that a Teacher earned the right to teach their way without threat of being fired for teaching their views
Tenure has been around a lot longer than Teachers unions
you racist fuck stick
LMFAO I'll bet your face is as red as a tomato and you hurt your little frail hand punching a wall! lol lol lol

ink the world

Well-Known Member

Bubble is the extraction of trichomes using ice, water and bubble bags.

You should check it out, you might be able to use a bubble bag as a new hood for the next klan meeting.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO I'll bet your face is as red as a tomato and you hurt your little frail hand punching a wall! lol lol lol
You wish
I bet you are having a hard time right now getting all your stuff together for school next week
I will also make a prediction that you flunk out and fail
Like you do at everything else at life
Here is another prediction
You are going to be thinking of me when you do fail out of school
Becuase you know I am right
Good day sir


Well-Known Member

Bubble is the extraction of trichomes using ice, water and bubble bags.

You should check it out, you might be able to use a bubble bag as a new hood for the next klan meeting.
Bubble hash is delicious. But I still prefer dry-ice hash [video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9yu_7eMv6M[/video]

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Bubble hash is delicious. But I still prefer dry-ice hash [video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9yu_7eMv6M[/video]
I've only done dry ice once.

I think I agitated too long, got a little too much plant matter; that was my fault. I've got my bubble down pretty well now, outdoor harvest coming soon, gonna be an epic bubble session this year. I'm down to a tiny bit of Apollo 13 bubble that's amber red and full melt....I prefer hash or kief over flowers.


Well-Known Member
I've only done dry ice once.

I think I agitated too long, got a little too much plant matter; that was my fault. I've got my bubble down pretty well now, outdoor harvest coming soon, gonna be an epic bubble session this year. I'm down to a tiny bit of Apollo 13 bubble that's amber red and full melt....I prefer hash or kief over flowers.
I also prefer hash, this year I have 4 huge Guerrillas Gusto (sensi seeds) that will go exclusively into hash.