Enjoy's Grow Journal 1


Active Member
Enjoy’s Grow Journal 1

Hey everyone at RiU, this will be my first of many journals. I have been meaning to get to one though thought I should start it obviously when I start a new grow. Well now I am going to do an expirmental grow for myself, I know many others have done this though I have not myself.

I am using bag seed so I will not know my strain, truthfully I don’t even know if its dro I just asked my friend to give me a couple seeds once he gets them. I really don’t care though because its just to see the vigour of growth and how big it can grow within a pc case.

Yes I will be growing in a pc box I had found and had no need for so made this idea up, what I thought at first was I could use this nicely for clones in the future, so in doing this I will figure out the conditions inside and how to keep it regular.

I do not know exactly what I should be writing so just stay with me friends of RiU im doing my best. Now let me take a bong rip and ill get back to this…. Back.

Okay now to tell you a bit about what I am going though as of now, I was going to my guys crib and found an amazing alien ware pc box in the alley right by his house as I looked at it the guy who put it there said you can have it I just put it there im like cool w.e trying not to be rude and just took it, it was gutted out except for a few thing so I decided I could either sell it or use it to grow lol and what did I chooseJ so I got it home and started working on it, it took me around 4 hours to gut the rest and set up everything I needed, and to learn how to set up pc fans with out a power supply, so now I’m fully done setting up and figuring shit out (thank you) I didn’t think something this little would be so difficult but it was so meticulous.

Today I put the seeds in 1x1 rockwols and have them under a 20/4 regimen intill sprout then I will change to 18/6 intill it needs 12/12.

I will start giving it molasses from the beginning of week 2. I have like 10 seeds but I only planted 4 I am not going to keep all four due to the size of the box but I want to pick the best one.:) (its how I do lol)

And now I guess ill do a list kinda thing:p

PC Grow Box Materials:

I. 1- Alienware pc tower
II. 3- 12 volt pc fans
III. 2- 12 volt processor fans(faster and shoots more air)
IV. 2- 12 volt cell chargers
V. Mylar
VI. String
VII. 1- 400 volt surge protector


I. 2- 42 watt CFL’s
II. 2- regular light fixtures I found around the house.
III. String

Growing Medium:

I. 4- 1x1 rockwol cubes
II. 1- 4x4 rockwol cube(after root ball formed well and I picked the 1)


I. 1- bottle of GH flora gro
II. 1- bottle of GH flora micro
III. 1- bottle of GH flora bloom
IV. 1- bottle of GH Floralicous grow
V. 1- bottle of GH Floralicous bloom
VI. 1- bottle of GH Floralicous plus
VII. 1- bottle of molasses

Okay well I just started the 24/0 a few hours ago so here weee go.

If I have missed any information let me know and I will be glad to let you know, any advice and so on is well appreciated. Subscribe and I wish you an amazing yield.

I put a video on of the grow box and 1 of my accual grow just for shits and giggles, next real grow will be my 2nd journal.




That 5hit

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this is what it says when i try to play it


Active Member
Co2 is just extra crap you dont NEED. its nice but fuck that shit.
and only the largest one streched and that was a long time ago light are perfect distance.
the little ones are on an lst program so they need more length away from the light so it does induce some streching
but that is normal only for the lst to keep going.
and the pc grow box which this is about no not to far they just got in there right now its basiclly for the heat more so than the light intill they sprout.


Active Member

All 4 of the seeds have now sprouted, i still have them on a 20/4 light sceduale.
In a few days I will be changing it to 18/6.
I have been having to water them 2 times a day and turn 2 of the fans off due to the temps would
get very low, around 65 ish and during the day times I am aiming for 77-78 f.
I have not started the molasess yet, the waterings are done with pure non phed water.
my city's ph is at about 7.0 and if i leave the water out for a day it turns to around 6.8-6.5 and i am using rockwol but not an hydrop system or drip system so its not on a hydro regimen.
IF i did not state before i will be choosing 1 -2 of the plants to fully grow within the box, choice is key due to wanting the best experience out of this.
I will get new pictures or video up as soon as possible.