Enough lighting?

Hello I have 3 10 day old seedlings and currently have them under 4 26w daylight cfl's....they look very good but a tad small, just starting to get the 2nd set of true leaves..I am planning on buying a 400 watt hps of mh light/ballast soon Am I just being parinoid or do they need more light at this stage? I have them in a grow box I made out of an old stroller box I found in my recycle room....I've lined it with emergency blanket material and have 2 small 4" fans one for fresh and 1 for exhaust....temps have been steady at 75-78 F alternating ph'd water and 1/4 strength schultz all purpose every 2 days using Promix soil with perlite and worm castings in 16 oz Solo cups....any help/comments are welcomed greatly!! Peace and love!!:razz:


Well-Known Member
how long til u get the mh? i think its good enough to get the etablished in the 16oz cups no problem


Well-Known Member
I have the exact same setup. I have a 400w MH/HPS, and I made a veg box/drying box out of a rubbermaid tote. I put 4 26w Cfl's inside there to veg 3 White Diamonds that I have going. I just topped them the other day too. Oh there are 2 2700k and 2 6500k CFL's in the veg box. They seem to be doing just fine underneath those CFL's so far and mine are farther along then yours are. I imagine that you could veg them under that for at least a few weeks. After that you will probably be to big for just 4 CFL's. I hope to have my 2 plants that are under the 400w finished by the time the WD's are ready to go under the HID lighting. I have about 3 weeks left, so luckily I will be judging this just right.
how long til u get the mh? i think its good enough to get the etablished in the 16oz cups no problem
I was thinking about going today this aftn....tom is going to be hot as hell and I don't like taking transit in that kind of heat.....or wait till Fri or Sat (need to make appt for Sat pickup) He has a dig ballast for $100 and 25 for each bulb and 10 for pulleys Seems like a great deal......Lumilights is the make I have heard good and bad but my budget is not large by any means...I feel the same way I thought I would get 2-3 weeks in the cups...TY for responding, much appreciated!:razz:
Yep u are def father ahead than me....sounds great! Mine are medical hybrids from the Canadian gov't...had some issues with the first batch so I tried again with RW and presto!! lol Got them to allow me replacement seeds...which I hear is unheard of! I guess if you complain enough and have photos to backup them....lol Cheers my friend and happy growing to you!!

no clue

Well-Known Member
Good answers above^^. For my growing I have a rule ; no HID or nutes for the first 3 weeks from sprout. After 3 weeks..they are ready for MH. I start the MH 2 ft above the top of the tallest plant..and then move it sucsessively closer every 12 hours or so..until I get it to where I want it.


Well-Known Member
In the past I have used my 400w to veg my plants before from seed, and I didn't have a problem at all. Just saying.
I didn't know that the Canadian government grew cannabis. Can you explain? Is it something under Health Canada?
Oh hell ya they have been doing it awhile now....out in Saskatchewan, Saskatoon actually There is a video of the grow site somewhere out there try the CBC or CTV networks for file footage. I opted to grow my own but can buy dries milled mj for 4 months or until I get a crop of my own.....$5 a gram Still expensive for someone on disability insurance but I manage...hope this answers your ??