Enter The Void


Active Member
So I've just watched Enter The Void there for my first time. What a totally wierd but inventive movie plot, some of the scenes in this film totally freaked me out. All of those hallucinogenic scenes would be intense on Blu-ray.

What's everyone elses rating on this? My friend also recommended Irreversible by Gaspar Noe which I also intend on buying.


Well-Known Member
I love this Film. Completely unique. The first act with Oscars first-person view is unparalleled.
But don't expect much of the same from 'irreversible' ;) Totally different animal. Similar cinematography, but subject matter is frightening. And disturbing. Beware :neutral:


Active Member
enter the void was great.
i really loved thier depiction of a dmt experience i thought it was
very close as far as the fractal patterns go and the vibrating OEV.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Fantastic flick .... Time ... YOU have to watch this movie at least 3 times to get it .... no worries.
I will tell YOU a secret in understanding this movie ...

Pay attention to the .... angle/perspective ... in which the scene is shown ... as the movie .... unfolds ...
Is he watching himself .... or is he watching himself .... watching himself ....

Observe this aspect .... and it all makes sense in the end.


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
This movie was very interesting to say the least, def a movie unlike anything i had ever seen before... To be honest it kinda disturbed me though, Oscar had such a warped dark view on life. Def not a movie i would ever want to watch while tripping out...

Also just a hunch but im pretty sure Oscar was humping his sister lol.

And on an end note, that 20 minute sex scene at the end was a little much, not to mention that internal cum shot lol.

Overall i think the movie was very well done but it just disturbed me to much to want to watch it again..


Active Member
I first learned of this movie when someone posted it in this section a couple of months ago. I watched about the first 15-20 minutes... Up until after he dies and is following his friend through Tokyo. This movie is a mind fuck so far.... Maybe ill make my girlfriend watch it with me tonight beginning to end.

Anybody see Requiem for a Dream. Seems to be along the same lines to me... I think. Same genre at least... maybe. Either way Requiem for a Dream is my absolute favorite book/movie EVER.


Active Member
I learned of Requiem because I started listening to the sound track and for the most part I can play Lux Aeterna except for one part. Great movie.