Entire crop ruined!!! Where did i go wrong?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how I missed it but my entire crop is ruined! I am having trouble finding pics so I am really not sure of the diff between hermied and pollinated but every damn 1 of my plants has seeds. I could only find "Bananas" on 1 of them but there are seeds in tons of my buds on every one of my plants!

I know I made a lot of boo boos before I found this board but they were going so well!!

I have no idea what to do with these plants! I have 4 femmed seedlings ( 3 days old) in another room and I don't want to take a chance that any pollen may get to them at any point.

There is no way the thrip incident caused this as it was just 2 days ago and there are some BIG seeds in there.
I have been using CFLs for the 7 girls but I am using a lot of them and light has never been an issue.
I also have not had any light leaks that I can think of either.
They have been transplanted 6 times total and 1 time right after I started flowering.
I have been having a slight drainage issue only watering about every 6 days.

I am thinking I am just going to toss all 7, I just don't know what else to do with it now.

ANY AND ALL advice is greatly appreciated and anticipated so I can avoid this with my new girls.

I tried to upload a cpl of pics but neither 1 of my computers can upload to the site tonight....

Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
your saying ruined,,,,but I tend to look at the bright side 1) you got seeds 2) you can still smoke the bud or make hash or butter, won't be as good but won't be bad either

hermies happen, something we all have to deal with so 3) new lesson learned, new experience aquired

you will want to clean, clean, clean (use bleach) before moving any plants there


Global Moderator
Staff member
Kimi, its not ruined. The quality may be a bit lower than if you had no seeds but it should still be decent.
As stated, hash or cannabutter is another option.
Live and learn.


Well-Known Member
Any idea why this happened? Good thought on the canna butter, I have not smoked in about 20 years so I really wanted this to be perfect ya know? I've read eating is better than smoking for pain and I can make a TON of canna butter with these things... Trying to look on bright side but I really wanna try and figure out WHY it happened....



Well-Known Member
Riddle, I am reading your "nuggets" right now but something occurred to me and I try and find answers and make notes as soon as I learn or read something as I have found that all these years on Narcotics makes it so I do not remember crap.

To avoid stress on my seedlings from transplant, should I put the pellets directly into the 3 gallon pots so there is only 1 transplant or something smaller and replant again when they are bigger?


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit Riddle! I read a few of your sig things before but I wish like hell I woulda read the Nuggets sooner!!! I have already identified 4 mistakes that may have lead to the "herming" I read ALL THE TIME but I either forget or muddle things all the time! I think I am going to make it a plan 2 just search your threads with questions. No conflicting advice or techniques that way! Wow! I am reeling! For the last few weeks I've felt like I was getting it, don't get me wrong I knew there was more to learn but now I think I have to unlearn half of what I did learn!

Ggeezzz... I gotta go to bed, I'll finish your nuggets tomorrow!


New Member
Kimi, so sorry to hear that! Riddle is one of my favourites when giving answers, and should be listened to (have 10-15 of his ideas bookmarked!), so this is only intended as additional info:


Riddleme, thanx for sharing your thoughts and ideas, very much appreciated (in fact in the future I´m going to ask you and the other 2-3 favourites a specific question to get a glance at your wisdom.... ;) )!


Well-Known Member
IMO you should plan on only one or two transplants and seedling starters IMO don't count in terms of stress
plus I have detailed a stress free way to transplant. And yes you could go to the 3 gallon but have to be aware that it can lead to overwatering problems which is why we move up in steps. I like to go from a 6 inch pot to a 10 or 12 inch pot and done

and you guys humble me, I do what I do for love of the plant


Well-Known Member
Well, after a good nights sleep and time to get over my "crushing defeat" LoL I have decided to start getting ready to make canna butter...

I am going to go ahead and kill the girls and make the changes in my grow room that need to be made before my seedlings are ready to move..

Back to the drawing board! I have decided to figure out how to journal the growth of the 4 new babies (well 3 and a Sensi star that doesn't seem to want to pop the soil, but its only been 4 days), I think this way I can keep track and really remember this grow.



Well-Known Member
Do you live in a very dense neighborhood? If so, its not unlikely that a fellow grower within a few thousand yards had either a male pop or a hermi or two pop and then unwittingly vented all those nice microscopic pollen spores that can float for miles right out his window and into a nice breeze leading to your intake =D Happens all the time in big citys where people are growing condensed neighborhoods. *shakes fist "thanks Mr. Thompso"
Plant the seeds IMO and find out, if you have male and females, congratulation you have an unknown mixed strain from your plant and someones unknown strain.
If your fairly isolated than you just had some "ninja hermi"s the ones that hide in the shadows of other nuggets waiting to strike your crop.
Forgot to mention, the herb is still going to be better than allot of the crap the dispensaries around my area try to push as mid grade and low top shelf.


Well-Known Member
Do you live in a very dense neighborhood? If so, its not unlikely that a fellow grower within a few thousand yards had either a male pop or a hermi or two pop and then unwittingly vented all those nice microscopic pollen spores that can float for miles right out his window and into a nice breeze leading to your intake =D Happens all the time in big citys where people are growing condensed neighborhoods. *shakes fist "thanks Mr. Thompso"
Plant the seeds IMO and find out, if you have male and females, congratulation you have an unknown mixed strain from your plant and someones unknown strain.
If your fairly isolated than you just had some "ninja hermi"s the ones that hide in the shadows of other nuggets waiting to strike your crop.
Forgot to mention, the herb is still going to be better than allot of the crap the dispensaries around my area try to push as mid grade and low top shelf.
very true, very possible