ENtire PLant yellowing.....?


Active Member
Ok Im in 15 gallon smart pots, in subcools super soil, and im in 2nd week of flowering, but lately my leaves have been yellowing on my two fire headbands... im sorry i cant get a well enough picture under the HPS... but the yellowing of leaves is wierd to me....its all over slightly, but the theirs random solid yellow leaves kindof all over the plants. vegged for 12weeks, RO water, ive been adding HALF the recommended dose of sensical , and ph'd 7.0


Active Member
I was thinking i may feed sensi cal half strength again, and half strength BUddha Bloom by roots organic......?! Hmmmm i wish i could post a picture


Well-Known Member
check the ph to make sure lockout is not happening sounds like the plant is not taking up Nitrogen. Is it really yellow or pale white? take a pic in natural lighting not he hps to show the true color