Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

i have done pills, but i prefer MDMA the pure stuff with nothing else cut into it or whatever. it also only takes one bomb (some crystals in a rizla) to get you FUCKED i remember tripping a few times, one time i was with a friend and i opened my eyes and saw an owl with glasses on :P
that same night i saw a spectrum of colours like in a portal kinda thing. have any of you guys sat by a radiator or any type of heat generator to bring you up even more, its pretty crazy :P (i was doing this when i saw the spectrum thing) yeah and that is pretty dangerous seeing as you could overheat very easily but i am responsible especially with this drug as it can really fuck you over if you are not responsible. like with any drug if im feeling nervous or im thinking, right i need a drink of water (with MDMA) , i will stop what i am doing calm down and get a drink of water as my first priority. but yeah this drug is great fun if used responsibly :D
i have done pills, but i prefer MDMA the pure stuff with nothing else cut into it or whatever. it also only takes one bomb (some crystals in a rizla)

was told that the best way to take it was licking your finger, putting it in the back, putting your finge on your tongue andf suck.

Did that one night with some i got off a party clown (wierd, fucked up night after 3 pills, madness! plus i wouldn't recomend obtaining drugs this way). Took it the next night and was the happiest man alive for about 2 to three hours
Awesome if you let it be so... Tolerance builds very fast. Don't take too often. Respect the drug if you respect your body. Theoretically you lose the ability to feel pleasure a tiny bit every time you do it. Take high dose vitamin C before, during, and after. Liquid form is best for the h2o and faster absorption of the vitamin: They say it helps prevent the possible neurotoxicity of mdma.

How to Roll
you can drop molly its a powder in a rizla rolling paper.

its called parachuting, you can use tp or wutever you like. its like making a little pill.

personally ive had better luck with drinking it with water. or just snorting a few bumps.
was told that the best way to take it was licking your finger, putting it in the back, putting your finge on your tongue andf suck.

Did that one night with some i got off a party clown (wierd, fucked up night after 3 pills, madness! plus i wouldn't recomend obtaining drugs this way). Took it the next night and was the happiest man alive for about 2 to three hours

yeah, you can do it like that by dabbing it but i prefer dropping bombs because you dont get the taste at all. :D
quick question the drug MDMA or "molly'' .... what does it feal like i have never tryed it but my friend has it.. just wonderin what happens when it is takin
Back in the early 90's X was coming on the scene. I can remember buying it and thinking they looked like No in my wicked ways...bought No Doze, filed the name off of them and made TONS of money in high school!! Great to see people tripping on No Doze...LOL
I've only done it once. Got a pretty mediocre roll and tripped more than I rolled. Felt incredibly happy and at peace, but not the euphoria I thought it would have, and it was far too trippy. The explanation I got was that my roll was mostly MDA and not MDMA, but I dunno. Dirty drug ecstasy is. Which is funny since MDMA is so safe.
ive had an mdma mda combo and it was my favorite roll.

they were the triple stacked g spots/naked ladies going around here a few years back.

but if you dont like a trippy roll stay away from any mda combo.
Here's my .02 about ecstasy. First off, I haven't done it since 1995. Secondly... it was absolutely hands down without a doubt the most amazing, mind blowing experience of my life.

I remember the first time I heard of it- I was like really, this used to be legal? And there's no side effects!? (ha ha)

I probably did it 30 or so times in 94/95. The feeling for me was like... better than continuous orgasm. For me it was euphoric ecstasy on a roller coaster in heaven. However, it did mess with my serotonin and put me in a constant sort of dream state. I did end up really depressed, because reality just can't compare can it. I sorted it all out within a couple of years but my husband was a different story.

My husband rolled a lot back in the raving heyday of 1989 and the early 90s. He ended up with serious, severe depression with psychotic/ schizophrenic episodes. I will say that he's hardwired for depression anyway, but the continuous rolling didn't help- he was burning at both ends and never in a stable state.

We both still get nostalgia for the feeling, but it really does mess with the brain chemicals in a bad way. My theory is that my husband used up all his serotonin in those days and now he'll have to be on antidepressants for the rest of his life. God I wish it wasn't so but he just can't go without them now. He lived without them for the fist 6 years of our marriage but it really was hell; I just think the ecstasy created a void in his brain where the serotonin was supposed to go.
Exactly, your hubby was prolly already prone to depression/schizo....the ecstasy use probably just brought it on earliear and a lot harder....excessive ecstasy use will definitely deplete the seretonin levels in your brain, but Ive read a german study that says after a few months or years of abstainance your seretonin levels should be back to normal minus about 4 or 5%.
I love E done it many times its one the best high out there, but if you mix some Acid in there with E then you talking a nice trips you can take
ive always felt minorly depressed after for sure but I feel like I always bounce back. Sure there is no feeling that compares to E when your sober but it is just an experience and after a week or two, I dont feel as though my brain has holes or that I am anymore depressed. I dont know if its different for me than in other people but I believe these seratonin levels regenerate if you give yourself time between rolls... who knows though
Back in ,98,99,2000 the rolls were so strong on the east coast and probably everywhere you would get so fucked up at clubs grinding your jaw and your eyes rolling in the back of your head.. These days the rolls around are really just very lame jokes of what used 2 be and for those who have never tried those old rolls of them days. Maybe they were like that before then also but that is when it was real big for my crew.. Just my 1.2 cents:blsmoke:
quick question the drug MDMA or "molly'' .... what does it feal like i have never tryed it but my friend has it.. just wonderin what happens when it is takin

the drug itself releases a chemical called seratonin (which i heard was in your spine i dont know for sure though) which is what makes you feel good when you have a wank and what not, it is a REALLY euphoric experience.
I took it a few times... Not my fav...

Although i did like H pills (pills cut with a very small amount of heroin)...

Not that i like H either... Hate the stuff really but the combo made it a chill wavy gravy kind of feeling... Otherwise it was to edgy for me...

I was a tweaker though so who am i to talk about EDGEY... =0

Any way it eats holes in your noodle... =]

JK... Eat more ice cream... =]
long term use of Ecstacy, can cause severe side affects.
You take clean pills not Cut, or at least buy it from a trusted dealer.
Get the MOST LEASTEST cut pill meaning that, you don't get a comedown next morning. :)

happy rolling