Eternity for Atheists

There may be hope for the extreme longterm:dunce:

"The universe is destined to end. Before it does, could an advanced civilization escape via a "wormhole" into a parallel universe? The idea seems like science fiction, but it is consistent with the laws of physics and biology. Here's how to do it..." - Michio Kaku.

for full story | Escape from the universe
you cant take away death thats the best part:mrgreen:


but anyway if they had this shit back when george washington was growing erb, wouldnt we all not exist?:shock:

if you dont die then your not allowed to have kids that should be the rule :mrgreen:
Nice article, it made me think of the fact that everything we know was thought up by someone. For reasons, sometimes unknown, that person had an idea of that thing. The discovery of life is getting ideas at a very specific point in time and space.

A hard subject to discuss, but very interesting. Where's my joint again..?
Nice article, it made me think of the fact that everything we know was thought up by someone. For reasons, sometimes unknown, that person had an idea of that thing. The discovery of life is getting ideas at a very specific point in time and space.

A hard subject to discuss, but very interesting. Where's my joint again..?


I wouldn't say that everything we know was thought up by someone at some time.

For example, we would know a mountain without having a name for it. Somebody would have had to have thought of a name for the mountain, yet in our minds the picture or memory of the mountain would still reside, even without the memory having a name. Before we had conversation, this is how we would have associated things in our minds, indeed we still do. Before we speak a word that belongs to an item, we see a picture of the item in our mind. THEN we associate a word to it.

So, IMO we can and do know things without ever needing communication, in turn someone else doesn't need to have thought of it first.

There always has to be a first, and this doesn't always have to mean one at a time.