Ever Had A Glucose Test?


Well-Known Member
Do eet.

When I was in hospital they decided to test for EVERYTHING just in case- which included topless examinations and hands up my vagina -_-;

I'm not going to lie Urca, It was horrible, BUT, do it once and you'll feel better about doing it when you really have to in the future. Like when they send you a letter to go get smear tests. Go for it, get used to it now hen you're young and can forget that kind of stuff along with other embarrassing stuff you wouldn't care to remember at this age X3

Will make an interesting thread, 'Urca's boobie screening' :3

But seriously, for peace of mind, do it if it runs in your family. And they say we should all check ourselves regardless... Do you? Maybe I should check an online health guide..

i dont check, but yes, i know i have to go soon. Im just scared. My aunt lost both breasts and fought cancer for about 6 or 7. my great grandmother died of breast cancer, and a few of my dad's aunts have had it


Well-Known Member
It's better to hate the screening and have the peace of mind than to be too scared all your life and (god forbid) you catch something too late. X

Cannabineer: LATEX GLOVE OF DOOOOM!! *hides*

I wish I still didn't know what a speculum is.


Well-Known Member
yeah good point. its really just being self concious about my body rather than im afraid of what they will do


Ursus marijanus
It's better to hate the screening and have the peace of mind than to be too scared all your life and (god forbid) you catch something too late. X

Cannabineer: LATEX GLOVE OF DOOOOM!! *hides*

I wish I still didn't know what a speculum is.
I always thought a speculum was one of those little angle mirrors dentists use.
Then I got educated. cn


Well-Known Member

I gathered that. I fucking hated having to lie in the hospital bed with my arms by my sides, completely naked from the waist up for multiple ECGs. But with practise, you can learn to block out the fact they are looking at you all exposed more. It's the only way to get anywhere near getting over it hun xxx


Fucking. Painful...


Ursus marijanus
Since this seems the thread for it, and since it's been days since I've posted one of my tightly-braided little tales., I'll tell my extra-special needle story.
Back in '87 I had an unfortunate encounter with a piece of exploding Pyrex labware. Silly me ... it was day's end so i didn't have the safety glasses on. I got peppered with the shrapnel that results from a large volume of boiling nitric acid discovering a pocket of fuel in the reaction mix. <snip boring details of trauma> The most serious consequence was a bit o'glass that lodged in the foremost part of my left eye, between iris and cornea. It didn't encyst as my ophthalmologist promised, and i had to demonstrate some unconventional self-diagnosis practices in order to convince him that i wasn't (heh) seing things.
Surgery to remove the offending shard was scheduled, and the day arrived. The anesthesia procedure was called "local standby". The put me very lightly under and warned that i might come to during the actuall surgery.
The moment my miserable carcass decided to wake me up ... I was on the table with my head immobilized. A needle was coming RIGHT toward my taped-open eye. It kept coming much too close, then closer. I heard and felt strange things, like the needle scraping past my orbit.
I decided the moment was beyond profanity. All I said was "I am not enjoying this very much."

<edit> There is a scene near the beginning of "Star Trek: First Contact" where a needle goes deep into Picard's eyeball. Every time I see that, I remember my own experience.


Ursus marijanus

I gathered that. I fucking hated having to lie in the hospital bed with my arms by my sides, completely naked from the waist up for multiple ECGs. But with practise, you can learn to block out the fact they are looking at you all exposed more. It's the only way to get anywhere near getting over it hun xxx


Fucking. Painful...
My friend the BDSM penguin has one of those. cn

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member

I gathered that. I fucking hated having to lie in the hospital bed with my arms by my sides, completely naked from the waist up for multiple ECGs. But with practise, you can learn to block out the fact they are looking at you all exposed more. It's the only way to get anywhere near getting over it hun xxx


Fucking. Painful...
oh look...a glass Tucan


Well-Known Member
Oh, sweet jeebus, Cannabineer, that sounds HORRIFYING 0_o You poor guy...

BAHAHAHAHA X3 Bicycle seat... ROFL- literally.