Ever smoke a strain that was too strong and made you uncomfortable?

I find high cbd strains to be no better for anxiety than any of the sativas or indicas that are known to be good for anxiety. In other words, I don't think CBD plays a major role in the anti-anxiety effect of some strains of cannabis. Likewise, you can't make the generalization that indicas are better than sativas for anxiety, or that high thc alone causes anxiety. Some of the most anti-anxiety herb I've had were in the form of high thc sativas or indicas. I'm convinced that specific terpenes are responsible for this effect. Blueberry is a good example of an anti-anxiety strain that seems to pass this trait on to a lot of the crosses that are made with it. One of the strains that mellowed me out the most, and I'm a very high strung individual, was a hawaiian landrace sativa that a friend of mine's grandpa grew on the Big Island. Hopefully we eventually find out which terpenes are responsible for this effect-it's most likely a combination, since these strains can have wildly different flavor profiles.
Smoked some Chocolate Thai New Year’s Eve 1999, was a gift from overseas, not sure if laced but was pretty intense stuff. Yet to find a cannabis strain otherwise or since that’s “too strong”. Stuff looked like someone soaked a paper bag and dropped it so it splatted flat and in a circle, brown and spicy.
I find high cbd strains to be no better for anxiety than any of the sativas or indicas that are known to be good for anxiety. In other words, I don't think CBD plays a major role in the anti-anxiety effect of some strains of cannabis. Likewise, you can't make the generalization that indicas are better than sativas for anxiety, or that high thc alone causes anxiety. Some of the most anti-anxiety herb I've had were in the form of high thc sativas or indicas. I'm convinced that specific terpenes are responsible for this effect. Blueberry is a good example of an anti-anxiety strain that seems to pass this trait on to a lot of the crosses that are made with it. One of the strains that mellowed me out the most, and I'm a very high strung individual, was a hawaiian landrace sativa that a friend of mine's grandpa grew on the Big Island. Hopefully we eventually find out which terpenes are responsible for this effect-it's most likely a combination, since these strains can have wildly different flavor profiles.
Speaking of blueberry, blue dream is my all time favorite for chillaxing. It's been 10 years since I had the pleasure of growing and smoking it, but it left it's impression on me. It was like dreaming while awake. It made me happy and I built no tolerance to it. It was really something special. I've got 3 in veg right now that I'm hoping will recreate that experience. I'll know sometime around Christmas :)
Speaking of blueberry, blue dream is my all time favorite for chillaxing. It's been 10 years since I had the pleasure of growing and smoking it, but it left it's impression on me. It was like dreaming while awake. It made me happy and I built no tolerance to it. It was really something special. I've got 3 in veg right now that I'm hoping will recreate that experience. I'll know sometime around Christmas :)
Blue Dream is a great example of what I was talking about! I love it too. I have a couple of Humboldt Seed O. Blue Dream seeds just waiting for their turn to pop, is that what you're growing too? I hope it's close to what we remember from back in the day, def a top 3 of all time for me and many others.
I haven't ever smoked anything that scared me off from being too potent. On the other hand I have on multiple occasions over did it with sativa edibles. Now that doesn't agree with me at all and high doses really suck for me. I ate several cookies that each had about .25 grams of concentrate (decarbed in butter), I think it was 5 or 6 cookies, definitely 1000+ mg. The anxiety levels max out, room starts spinning, tile floor looks like an ocean of waves moving. and it lasts for hours like that. Sleep is nearly impossible for me until that phase of the buzz starts to ease up.

Now back in the mid 90's I popped a bean that a buddy gave me. It grew into a short indica that made beautiful large calyxes that were thickly coated in trichomes that looked like salt they were so large/coarse. Pistils were fat and bright orange, not tan or rust. As plants go it was a runt because it had sprouted last out of that batch I cracked. The leaves were very indica, round football leaflets that overlapped with very rounded serrations. It was the first plant in that batch seeds to be ready for chop. I didn't get more than an ounce off it but that was mostly in one large top.

I had set it aside to dry and forgot about it for a week or two as I had plenty of various different plants to smoke. I remembered I had it one day after waking up from a good nights sleep. I was ready to wake n bake and get on my computer to do some gaming (man games were primitive back then lol). I packed one nice full one hitter on the bong and ripped it back. Talk about sledge hammer indica. Instantly completely stoned, couch lock to the max. I smoked a cigarette and went back to bed. It made me so sleepy. Good thing it was a Saturday. So after a good 4 hour 'nap' I woke up and repeated the process, figuring no way the weed could really knock me out again. Well it was beddy bye bye time again. I slept another good 3 hours or so.

After that experience I only smoked that nug right before bed and the one friend I gave some to was told he had to go home to smoke it. It knocked him out too. Unfortunately that plant was pretty small when I flipped the timing to flower so I didn't take a clone as that would have been half the plant and I was unable to reveg it to keep it around. Still to this day, a good 25 or 26 years later, that is the strongest indica I have ever smoked. I would have loved to play with it more to see if chopping it a little earlier would have lightened up the sleepy part.
1000mg of edible intake in one sitting is terrifying :) I only once ever over consumed. I was terrified of my own shadow and it felt like it was never going to end. It was truly an unsettling experience. I remember when Colorado first legalized. Some black college kid consumed an unsafe amount of edibles with no tolerance and wound up taking a leap dive off a fucking balcony. Splat. And that was the end of his story and college education. Maureen Dowd over doing it with edibles was one of my favorite stories after legalization happened. Bitch got FUCKED up over consuming, and then wrote an article about her stupidity :) I give her kudos for at least being candid. She's still a stupid fucking bitch though =]

Favorite quote: "But then I felt a scary shudder go through my body and brain. I barely made it from the desk to the bed, where I lay curled up in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours. I was thirsty but couldn’t move to get water. Or even turn off the lights. I was panting and paranoid, sure that when the room-service waiter knocked and I didn’t answer, he’d call the police and have me arrested for being unable to handle my candy."

- Maureen Dowd
My favorite topic! I look for and always want what I call racy strains. The effects are often like a caffeine blast, a psychedelic shot, or ocassionally a full on cant move couch locker or out of body experience.

I hear everybody about anxiety. I have been blessed with very little, and am often sent off to explore something new that scares others.

If you have ever had real Chemdawg 91 for example, or a delicious blast of jet fuel, or got smacked in the face by a hypnotic mind bending Sativa, preferably landrace, you are my buddy! Those are the Mercene Mercenary strains (sativas are a diff set of terps of course)

There is also the floaty "I feel like im in a nintendo mario world" comfort (see avatar name) that is prized by those that are prone to anxiety. Try some OG18 or Pineapple Express if you are prone to those issues.

The other place I think many dont know about is in the immediate aftermath of harvest. As soon as bud dries enough to smoke, it has not cured enough for the average person. There can be a complete out of body experience -- like when Frodo puts on the ring and warps into an alternate universe. For roughly 3 weeks after harvest there is what I call the "raw" window where I warn friends...don't go there if you arent up for it.

Suddenly about a month out from harvest most strains mellow into what 98% of users know of that strain.

So -- if you hate racy rushes, grow your bud out past the early harvest window where up and racy are. After harvest cure it and dont smoke it for a month or 6 weeks. And sure as fxxx stay away from concentrates or high thc edibles.

On the flipside if you want the CCmegablast, harvest a known racy strain the early part of the harvest window, start smoking it ASAP, and make concentrate or edibles out of it and do those...too, hell, mix it all together ☻
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I just grew out some Black Widow for the first time. Great strain. Heaviest producer I've ever grown. Only problem is it's so strong I can't smoke anymore of it. I have a couple patients that like that strong stuff so it won't go to waste. It literally makes me trip out every time I smoke it. Uncomfortably trip out. And it doesn't wear off quickly. I've only had this happen maybe 4 or 5 times in my life. Once was when I was in my late teens. Big brother had a friend that drove back and forth to California for weed runs. Smoked something called "crippler." A 1 hit was too much. It burned my nostrils to even put the dugout up to my nose. Didn't buy anymore, and none of my friends were interested either. It was like the moonshine of pot. Another time was some GG#4 I got from a dispensary. Paid an absurd amount for an ounce. Got home and toked up. Trippy effect due to incredibly high THC levels. Didn't buy anymore. Experiences like this is why I've never been into concentrates for the most part. If you need to concentrate your weed to get high you need to either grow better pot or get a better dealer :)

I like strong, but I like balance also. Anyone else ever run into this?
Uh no, because I smoke to get HIGH, but I I am terribly sorry for your amazing luck having such a potent beast.
I'd love to provide my forwarding address and take some off your hands and get stoopid high please & thank you :hug: