Ever wondered why Biobizz products have different NPK? I have the answer


Hey everybody, so If you've ever been confused as to why some of the product labeling on the Biobizz products seem inconsistent like I did, here is the answer straight from them. I ended up Emailing them after seeing the different labels based on where I said I was in the world. This just didn't make much sense to me but now it is crystal clear.

My email:
"Hello, I have recently purchased a bottle of your Bio-bloom here in the U.S., and I noticed that the N-P-K ratio is different from any others sold worldwide. Is there a reason for this? I only ask because it seems like your formula for the rest of the world is superior to what we get in the U.S. I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you guys. Thank you."

Their quick response was:
"Actually, the product is exactly the same product as sold in the US. Biobizz only has one manufacturing plant in a city called Groningen in the Netherlands. Biobizz has been produced there since they relocated from the farm it was created in on the outskirts of Amsterdam. The NPKs differ because of differences in our monitoring protocol for the individual chemical elements. In the USA, we calculate soluble and insoluble, while in Europe they use total nutrition. I don’t know the other genres of nutritional categories, but had asked early on in my time with Biobizz and received this answer. However, I personally do the registration for Biobizz here in the US and can vouch for the fact that our system here in the States, has many problems with their regulations on a per state level. Because Fertilizers have to adhere to regulations from every state, the quality of our labels often suffer, because so many different pieces of our label have to be in line with the format of all the different states. This causes us to put stuff we do not want, or less accurate information, or even information that is completely counter intuitive to our whole brand image, like for “hydroponics only” on products with micronutrients. These issues force us to make a uniform label, that might trade some accuracy for universal correctness in all 50 states."

I had also been confused about why they had to label them for "hydroponics only," yet it clearly states use for soil on the same label. This obviously clears up any questions I had, and I just wanted to spread the info in case anybody was confused like I was. Hope this helps somebody!