every leave dead in 2 days ..what do i do now ? HELP please.


Well-Known Member
i have 10 plants about 5 weeks in 12/12 did not get a chance to look at them yesterday but the day before that they looked good today i go in and every leave is dead and spidermites are everywhere i just spayed them down real good but now should i just harvest these or will they grow and mature still ? thanks


Well-Known Member
i also have tiny white bugs swimming at the top of the bucket with all my run off water i'm in hempy buckets it looks like they live in the water at the bottom of the bucket? any one? all the fan leaves are dead but i still have bud leaves .do i let them grow or start flushing?


Well-Known Member
To me, it looks like they ran out of water, then baked under the lights. I could be wrong, but, I find it really hard to believe that spidermites(or those little white things in your bucket) could kill them that fast. I never had a pest problem before, other than a temporary fungus gnat issue, so I could be waaay off. IDK, I'll pass this one to the next member..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Spider mites are horrible, but I don't think they could cause that kind of leaf damage in only 1-2 days. Something else must have happened if all those leaves just suddenly died in that short of a time frame. I would bet it is something water/heat related as jawbrodt said.

It is normal for your plant to be getting yellow and brown fan leaves at this stage in the budding process, but not that many all in one day. If it was me I would wait and see if they keep growing. You can check the trichs and see what they are doing over the next week or so, maybe that will help you decide whether to cut or let them grow.

Also after you cut down the plants for this grow you need to make sure you clean EVERYTHING off really really good or you are going to just get spider mites all over your next grow. You might even want to use some of those chemical foggers in your grow room while you don't have plants in there to make sure you kill off all those little fuckers.


Well-Known Member
i watered them the last time i looked at them 2 days ago and i can see the mites all over the leaves they even were all over my pest strips.the room temp is 75-80 every day i can't get it lower with out ac but this is my last grow in here i just want to get as much as i can .thanks i'll cut all the dead leaves out and see how they look in a week.


Well-Known Member
that was not caused by the spidermites, but anyway what are you doing to treat them? 75-80 is fine. Most people here would just throw them away, smoking spidermites is gross, but if you really insist you can make a lil hash i suppose. Now the question is what is it that did this, any other info or suspicions on what it could be?


Well-Known Member
those leaves are not all dead, dont cut all of them! they may be damaged but they are still storing vital nutes and energy, I would not remove anything that doesnt come off with a gentle tug or is horrificaly infested.


Well-Known Member
those leaves are not all dead, dont cut all of them! they may be damaged but they are still storing vital nutes and energy, I would not remove anything that doesnt come off with a gentle tug or is horrificaly infested.
I second that! Don't go cutting off all the leaves, in fact, don't cut anything. If a leaf doesn't come off after you give it a little tug, then it is not ready to come off yet. Even though they look ugly, they are still helping your plant until it lets them go on its own. :)