Everyone is fucking up their weed on the dry/cure!

Here...I posted this in another thread before

The purpose of drying is to remove excess moisture content, to prevent the formation of mold during the curing process.

In a perfect/optimal drying environment
Temp: below 70F
RH: 55%-65%

The Why....it's all about Terpenes and Cannabinoid
1. Terpenes start to volatilize at near 70F
2. RH above 65, mold starts to grow/propagate
3. RH below 55, Trichomes becomes brittle(loss of potency)

So when drying we want as much as possible to preserve terpene and potency and to prevent the propagation of mold during storage.

In reality...only very few of us could achieve such an optimal environmental condition. We do what we can do. Basically there's no right answer as to how long should we dry, it all depends on your RH and Temperature.

Practically, you let it dry until it can be smoke without any further process...if you want to.

But...if you want to increase the potency and quality then it's necessary to have the product undergo a 'curing' process.

The Why....it's all about Terpenes and THC/CBG

Once you jar those buds in an airtight container, a chemical process begin, starting with....

1. Oxgen converting to CO2
2. CO2 chemically interacting with the decaying organic material...this process is called Carboxylate (ring a bell? A conjugate base of carboxylic acid)
3 Terpenes are extracted and reabsorbed and spread through out the organic matter
4. THCA is slowly converted to THC (which further degrade to cannabinol)

The whole process overall contribute to a better experience in terms of taste, smell, and potency.

This is why you try to avoid burping hence the necessity of properly dried product.

Believe it or not....entirely up to you

See #1....this is the reason why you guys are losing smell (terpene). If you want to preserve the smell(aside from the hay smell), dry it below 70F and RH no lower than 55 (terpene is in the trichome too).
Had they not been in the cooler with ice packs the temp would have easily rose above 75f+ which didn't seem ideal.

Finally show up eh... With some super unfinished plant to boot. Lol a molecule is a molecule.... Go learn something about true organics and the reason it is superior, microbes are the whole fuckin reason you scrublet. This is over, not gunna squabble with your petty ass.
Please explain why it’s superior? I’d like to know. Microbes break down large molecules into a more usable form. The same form as the synthetics start. I’m not disagreeing because I’m not smart enough to know the truth. Microbes themselves can’t make bud dank cause they are neither a macro or micro?
Please explain why it’s superior? I’d like to know. Microbes break down large molecules into a more usable form. The same form as the synthetics start. I’m not disagreeing because I’m not smart enough to know the truth. Microbes themselves can’t make bud dank cause they are neither a macro or micro?
its most simple. supersoil + plain water. some stuff needs only reammendmend every 3-4 recycles. so its plus 5 constant ammendments... and then only good plain water bc everything is already in that soil, the roots can actively solve some stuff and micros / myc help tremendously at different levels.
Clearly you don't know shit, go back to school and learn some chemistry, clown. Yea it's over because I just owned your noobie ass.
Good one? Lol clearly you weren't even worth talking to in the first place.

Please explain why it’s superior? I’d like to know. Microbes break down large molecules into a more usable form. The same form as the synthetics start. I’m not disagreeing because I’m not smart enough to know the truth. Microbes themselves can’t make bud dank cause they are neither a macro or micro?

You are 100% correct in all of that and by superior I do not mean potency as that is purely genetic where as terpenes are not only genetic but are influenced by other factors(someone mentioned sulphur as well somewhere) that aren't fully understood but allow for the evolution if you will of more complex profiles. The way the soil structure evolves over time as you build and inoculate your bed/pots become one big living breathing working unit. The symbiotic relationship that gets created by the insane amounts/species of fungi/bacteria etc and the roots of your plant just can't be replicated even in a "synthetic" soil grow let alone dwc etc. It isn't about potency, smoothness or any of the other crap that organic gets labeled with. The plant may not care where it gets its nutes but the plants mission in life is to reproduce not smoke itself, we are the ones who should care about what drives the end product. People who are woke are growing in highly bioactive no till with 10+ year old soil and it is hands down the best product to consume. It isn't about synthetic Vs organic its about the microbes. They are the reason for everything on this planet and they just so happen so have a strong but misunderstood influence on the plant we all love to consume. Take a commercialized or personal hydro grow of the same pheno grown to perfection Vs old no till headstash and you will 100% not question it as I have before. Both are incredible products without question but only in person would you be without doubt. Genetics and then environment give the best end product, nutes only go so far but best is subjective so to each their own.
that's too cold - it'll create water condensation at the inner of your storage container. now mold can live. it's rH that's the critical factor, temps is only to slow it further down
I had hygrometers in every jar temp never dipped below 68. What isn't too cold then? I checked Jars everyday there was no condensation that I saw and rh remained between 60-62. The ice packs were there simply to keep temp down and I had them on a stack of paper towel so they wouldn't come into direct contact with the Jars at all. I mean it got there somehow though right lol so either in the jar or perhaps during dry. I appreciate the info.
I had hygrometers in every jar temp never dipped below 68. What isn't too cold then? I checked Jars everyday there was no condensation that I saw and rh remained between 60-62. The ice packs were there simply to keep temp down and I had them on a stack of paper towel so they wouldn't come into direct contact with the Jars at all. I mean it got there somehow though right lol so either in the jar or perhaps during dry. I appreciate the info.
its bc of the ice. it doesnt create an even level of cold distribution, but is rather more locale, and may also have some contact with your container. at that point maybe some condensation could take place. ice is colder than the ambient of a fridge. and when it takes on warm/energy - releases humidity. no good place im telling you just by my instinct
all. I mean it got there somehow though right lol so either in the jar or perhaps during dry. I appreciate the info.
see you have fungus spores constantly all around you, their much more tiny than plant spores and you need a clinical level of equipment to get rid of them.
so mold is also always on all of your buds, your skin + EVERYWHERE, but we're preventing its outbrake by simply not crossing 65% rH. thats why one boveda is at 62% and one for 58% bc cure will stop at 55%.