Everyone Needs To See This!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
do you have evidence when making such an outlandish acusation? and im taking real evidence not some fuzzy picture of a bear and call it bigfoot:mrgreen:

and you still have not showed a motive. Bush is already rich, what does he have to gain by making others rich? besides risking his impeachment and execution if your claims are true.

also power is not a motive, he is already pres, and he is leaving office. if anything all this war has put the republicans in a weaker position as far as power.

so pls can you show us the proof prosecutor or have "they" already covered up the trail?
sorry panda, but i guess it would take a court of law to examine the evidence and call guilty or not for you to believe something like this. for me, i have no problem believing the premise of this movie is totally possible (if not probable).

rich? do you think the its ALL about money? sorry again. money is a huge motivating factor. but to the elite ruling class of this and ALL nations, money is no object. it's already a given. what they are really after is POWER. they wish to rule mankind.

its just like a fucking cartoon, man. the evil, psychotic man at the top trying to 'rule to world'.

And you can see it happening with your own eyes. PNAC, NAFTA, the Euro. The leaders of this world (and in particular, the leaders of the two world powers American and Great Britain) have been attempting to unite the entire planet into one world government for some time now. this is the New World Order that Bush 1 talked about.

The powers that the Federal government gained with the Patriot Act after 9/11 was the stepping stone toward removal of the individual freedoms of U.S. citizens so as to pave the way toward world domination without disturbance from it's citizens.

Lets put it like this: don't ask me to prove this scenerio, just ask yourself if its possible that IF the U.S. wanted to, could they pull off what I and others are suggesting they want, with their new powers?

Step 1: false flag event that scares the people into handing over greater power to the government.

Step 2: write laws which prohibit the people from protesting anything the governemnt wishes to do, by threatening asset freezing and arrest AND execution WITHOUT habius corpus. (this is already in our patriot act)

Step 3: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- Remove all borders between the north American countries, remove national soveriegnties, and replace with one government. (this plan is already in the works)

Step 4: Geo-political control over the a region with the planet's single most in-demand energy source- OIL. (see current war in Iraq)

Everything i've written here is old news. Read thru the PNAC statement and you'll understand that plans are already in the works for a New World Order, one world governemnt in which the BANKERS control overything. Just like they do in this country. The polititions are their puppets, man. they don't plan anything.


Well-Known Member
do you have evidence when making such an outlandish acusation? and im taking real evidence not some fuzzy picture of a bear and call it bigfoot:mrgreen:

and you still have not showed a motive. Bush is already rich, what does he have to gain by making others rich? besides risking his impeachment and execution if your claims are true.

also power is not a motive, he is already pres, and he is leaving office. if anything all this war has put the republicans in a weaker position as far as power.

so pls can you show us the proof prosecutor or have "they" already covered up the trail?

Outlandish accusation is it? Wow ... are you stupid? ... you can't claim ignorance ...

Can you show proof of any evidence any prosecutor has on any case? Can you get it? No ... so why ask such a stupid question ...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to check out the evidence ... and it has been posted on this and many boards ... I have stated the motive ... and there are plenty of reports to back it up ... you just overlook the facts ... or just to dense to comprehend them.:roll::neutral:


Well-Known Member
i think everyone needs to see this movie!!!! if your a Christian im sorry just skip the first 40 or so minutes and get to the part 2 but i think you should watch the whole thing this movie is revolutionary!!!! its about all the corruption in Christianity and USA!! if you have seen this please tell me what you think about it especially the 9/11 part!

please don't post your opinions unless you watch the movie! that movie is my opening post! you wouldn't normally post without reading the first post would you? i think ppl need to see this any way not just to post but to be informed on topics the one sided propaganda media doesn't tell you! skip the first part if you want but watch part 2 and 3 especially.

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

where do i get a burnable copy of this? i have a few friends that want to see it. thanks.:peace: