everyone read!!!!


Well-Known Member
shes phsyco lol.
i didnt even know what kind of plant it was, it looked cool, i ripped it up. and it looked like weed so i smelled it. thats when i found out it was weed,
but yeah should i just keep it moist in there?


Well-Known Member
shes phsyco lol.
i didnt even know what kind of plant it was, it looked cool, i ripped it up. and it looked like weed so i smelled it. thats when i found out it was weed,
but yeah should i just keep it moist in there?
you just dont get it the more you say it the worse it sounds... I dont undrstand guys like you, you must have know that you are going to get ripped to pieces posting that you stole a damn plant.... you could have easily said YOUR PLANT had an accident and saved yourself the flaming... stupid punk kids, cameras locked in your dads room lol get your own place and your own plants... stealing plants from someones yard I wouldve given you some buck shot in the ass..........


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
you just dont get it the more you say it the worse it sounds... I dont undrstand guys like you, you must have know that you are going to get ripped to pieces posting that you stole a damn plant.... you could have easily said YOUR PLANT had an accident and saved yourself the flaming... stupid punk kids, cameras locked in your dads room lol get your own place and your own plants... stealing plants from someones yard I wouldve given you some buck shot in the ass..........

Woot, Woot. I would give you some rep for this post, but I am all out for 24 hours, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
and florida girl, actually im 18 and a senior.
Highly doubtfull,camera locked up in dad's room(why is dad's room locked ?),walking home from school,cutting through the neighbors yard,ran up & ripped out the plant.Sounds like 14 yrs old to me,the locked room makes me wonder also.

You just fucked that plant & your neighbor,your gonna be sneaking some bullshit grow in mommy & daddy's house using 2 cfl's stuffed in a cardboard box under the bed,either you'll kill it off with oscomote or mom's will find the miserable lil plant & snitch you out to pop's,then you'll get your little ass tanned but good then the real punishment come's.

No Nintendo for a month little mister !!!

That makes me happy knowing that :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no im growing with actually 2 4' t8 fixtures and 6 CFL's.
I know what i did was fucked up but cmon. its a fucking plant.
i know id be pissed if sum1 stold my 1 week old plant.
but id get ovr it and grow a new one.
i dont give a fuck think what yall want. you be a dick to someone just because you think theyre 14 and growing??

what if my mom LETS me grow. shit she could be growing for all you know.


Well-Known Member
you gotta understand bud that to us..rippers an leo are the lowest forms of life...we babie our plants regularly only to have someone swipe them....uugggg there's little words that can describe this anger....so own up an move on....lets learn ya how to go on yer own...peace az


Well-Known Member
I know what i did was fucked up but cmon. its a fucking plant.
Thats right,it is fucked up & you knew it from the start but you only thought of what you could take for yourself,you know damm well that plant was intentionally planted exactly where it was at,i also dont buy for one second that you accidently found it while cutting through a yard.

Its more like you were creeping around other people's yards looking for shit to steal & you found something so you snatched it,your bullshitting about your grow op too,if you had that system up & running you wouldnt of stolen a single plant of an unknown strain or sex,once again your a bullshitter.

Also it dont take a rocket scientist to now know why your dad locks shit up in his room & your not allowed in,you steal anything that isnt nailed down to sell off & buy weed with dont you.

Its just a plant huh ? I bet you say the same shit about lawnmowers & snowblowers that your neighbors are stupid enough to leave outside,i had a little punk neighbor exactly like you,little mr innocent creeping around stealing everything in sight.

Fuckin teeny bopper fake ass wannabe stoner,take your sneakin ass back to myspace.


Well-Known Member
yeah let me tell you i was sneaking through some guys yard for shit to steal in the broad day light.

Who do you think your bullshitting kid,im damm near 60 years old & ive ran across car loads of sneakin little fake punks like you over the years.

You'd have to be the fukin rain man to be observant enough to spot a tiny ass little plant while innocently cutting through a yard trying to get home.

You fukin creep your little ass around in the daylight looking for shit to come back at night & snatch,if anybody ask's you what your doing in their yard you've got the bullshit excuses all lined up & ready.

"Gosh Golly Gee MR, I was just cutting through your yard to get home from school ",said in the most innocent of baby voices.

I can visualize you walking down the sidewalk in your neighborhood with your neck broke looking down people's driveway's.