• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Evolution Or God?

The Earth was recreated in 6 days. Not the universe. What people are not taught in church is really sad. What they don't read (or see) in the bible is also sad.

The word EARTH means dry land in the ancient Hebrew. And in Joel is says the stars of heaven rejoyed when the EARTH was made. In Geninisis yoy will find that every single living thing that God every created was placed on THIS planet. Then they (Elohim) desided to create a creature in their image. And they (Elohim) bearthed into the nostrils of the creature- His breath making him a phtsical yet spiritial being. The creature was given all power and athority and dominion over the EARTH.

The most important thing to happen after that event was how Lucifer reacted to being 'demoted'. Man was created on a higher order than angles. And thats when Lucifer killed the entire planet. Jesus said the he, lucifer/satan was a murderer from the begining.

Please notice that the murder happened before Adam and eve. He (Lucifer/satan) came to Adam and Eve ALREADY FALLEN

So.... the big Bang as we currently undertsand it may very well be excellent science. But so too the fact that the earth we are currently on shows that this planet has only been vegging for around 6-7,000 years.

Check the sedimentary deposites of all the rivers of the world. Like growth rings thay show that they all began flowing for the first time around 5-8,000 tears ago.
The avaerage depth of top siol is about 8 inches on the average world wide. On the average- worldwide- it takes about 1,000 years to creat 1 inch of top siol. Again on the average.

The list goes on and on.

As for capital 'E' Evoulution- there is not on tiny bit of eveidence. All eveidence points toward 'after it's kind'. No animal changed to a bug, or a frog to a bird. They are all the same- in their kind. Small 'e' evolution happends at all times. Hair grows and generations change. Now bring in thermal dynamics and see what that science says!!

God wins. Intellegent design.

The eveidence is in the DIRT!


if you have never smoked before then it doesnt sound like rollitup is the place for you

now your just trolling


Well-Known Member
I'm an atheist. I have beliefs. I stated mine a few posts ago. Go read them.

The difference between my beliefs and yours, is your source is the bible. My come from scientific literature. My position is not what you claim it to be. I wouldn't say God couldn't exist. He could. So can the devil, Xenu, Ra, Thor, and a million other deities. In fact, we're very similar actually. We both deny the existence of thousands of gods. I just happen to deny one more god. Maybe I'm just ahead of my time huh?

As for how can multiple authors write a book several generations apart? Well it happened. Believe it. Historians accept that. In fact, go to a book store, the bible has been written in many languages and should be proof that this is possible. Also Sharespear is believes to be written by multiple authors. So is Homer's Odyssey. I'm sorry, but you'll have to try again.


Well-Known Member
Check the sedimentary deposites of all the rivers of the world. Like growth rings thay show that they all began flowing for the first time around 5-8,000 tears ago.
The avaerage depth of top siol is about 8 inches on the average world wide. On the average- worldwide- it takes about 1,000 years to creat 1 inch of top siol. Again on the average.

The list goes on and on.

As for capital 'E' Evoulution- there is not on tiny bit of eveidence. All eveidence points toward 'after it's kind'. No animal changed to a bug, or a frog to a bird. They are all the same- in their kind. Small 'e' evolution happends at all times. Hair grows and generations change. Now bring in thermal dynamics and see what that science says!!

God wins. Intellegent design.

The eveidence is in the DIRT!
Wow, you need to read a book. lol, you didn't get a single fact right.
if you have never smoked before then it doesnt sound like rollitup is the place for you

now your just trolling
My Justin doesn't smoke but he sure grows!! I the taster/tester. LOL!

One thingis for sure- this site has some really good people on it. (Now that some of the real trolls have been dealt with- thread wreckers.)

He may be a medical marijuana grower like Justin.
good posts- all of you.


i guess the fact of plate tectonics doesnt really fit in to your topsoil BS does it


Active Member
Stump an Atheist

By David J. Stewart

Ask an atheist if he or she believes in the existence of aliens? If they answer, "no," then ask them how do they know that? Have they gone to all the other galaxies throughout the universe? The truth is that no atheist can reasonably deny the existence of alien life. To do so would be utter ignorance. If an atheist answers, "yes," then they have contradicted their claim that there is no God. Is not God an Alien? By every definition of the word, God is an alien, i.e., He is not of this earth. For an atheist to profess believe is alien life, while simultaneously denying the existence of God, is utter hypocrisy and foolishness.

The Scriptures do not teach the existence of alien life in the sense of invading Martians, alien abductions, or close encounters, as seen by Hollywood; however, angels, demons, and Narnia's hosts are definitely alien to mankind. No person can honestly claim to be an atheist. To do so is to deny the existence of alien life, and who can honestly say that they've explored the entire universe? Can any human know what exists in all the galaxies of the universe? Scientists used to estimate that there were 50,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe; BUT, with the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers now say that there are over 200,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe, and some scientists have claimed as many as 500,000,000,000!!!
I think the second half of my last post, #98 addressed much of this question. To expand... The possibility of life to evolve under various specific circumstances has already been proven here on Earth, thus to say it is possible that aliens exist is logical. However, the existence of the supernatural has never been proven (like has the existence of material life), so it is 100% illogical to propose the existence of a god, who is immaterial (or undectable). There is no contradiction here.

Perhaps some atheists will agree to the existence of alien life, but deny the God of the Bible; however, how do they know that? Was the Bible written by men alone? The Bible came about by absolutely impossible circumstances. How could 40 men, over an extended time period of 1,500 years, with differing personalities, from different nations, write 66 separate Books that all perfectly harmonize in meaning and Biblical prophecy? The only answer is Divine intervention!
No one has proven that the books of the bible harmonize beyond reasonable doubt. In fact, there is evidence that the bible is wildly contradictory.

Could not an alien life form be God, man's Creator? Recent TV shows and movies have alluded that alien gods constructed the Egyptian pyramids, and millions of people believe this nonsense. I say "nonsense" because there is NO evidence whatsoever of such radical claims. Yet, the same people who believe such nonsense, absolutely refuse to even consider that there is a Holy and Just God in Narnia, who Authored the Bible, and created mankind for His own pleasure (Revelation 4:11). Nature itself is solid proof of the existence of God (Romans 1:20). The Bible is God's Word (2nd Timothy 3:16). Only a willingly blind fool would dogmatically deny the existence of God, or that the Bible is God's Word.

So the next time someone tells you that they don't believe in God... ask them if they believe in alien life?
You say it is "nonsense" to believe that aliens created us and built our pyramids. You also call atheists hypocritical. However, it is you who seems very hypocritical here. Shouldn't the question to yourself be the same that you posed for the non believers in the first paragraph of your post...? "How do you know? Have you gone to all other galaxies in the universe and looked for aliens that create other races and build lasting structures?". You then say your criteria for disproving an alien creator is a lacking of supporting evidence. Does this criteria for proof not also apply to your god creator?

Pointing to something very complex (such as nature) and deciding that a supernatural or undectable being must have created it is not evidence or proof. It is called a hypothesis (a flawed one by my view). There are still several steps necessary before your hypothesis becomes proof.
My Justin doesn't smoke but he sure grows!! I the taster/tester. LOL!

One thingis for sure- this site has some really good people on it. (Now that some of the real trolls have been dealt with- thread wreckers.)

He may be a medical marijuana grower like Justin.
good posts- all of you.


i have never smoked it but ive watched friends do it and ive always wondered if it were legal id love to grow the stuff and sell it to lazy potheads! im sure id make a killing to! easy money know what im sayin?
The question is on you. Not me. Answer it. Do you have a spirit?

Simple question to you. And please- don't answer this question with a question.
Thank you.
You don't even have to answer it for that matter.


Active Member
The question is on you. Not me. Answer it. Do you have a spirit?

Simple question to you. And please- don't answer this question with a question.
Thank you.
You don't even have to answer it for that matter.
It's quite unreasonable for you to ask me about something that you are unwilling to define.
in the military weve got a sayin it goes somethin like "there aint no atheists in foxholes". and aint that the truth! soon as the shit hits the fan all the atheists are praying like hell with everyone else!!!


Active Member
stump an atheist: ask them to show proof that there is not a god!

Is this directed towards me or no? Just in case this is directed towards me, I'm not going to dive into a philosophical conversation with someone who is unwilling or not able to respond to my arguments and objections. If you would like to address my other post first, I would be happy to discuss this issue with you and others.


The question is on you. Not me. Answer it. Do you have a spirit?

Simple question to you. And please- don't answer this question with a question.
Thank you.
You don't even have to answer it for that matter.

That's bullshit HMTH. Have you noticed how all you've been doing this entire time is tiptoe around what I ask you? Every time. I asked you to explain to me in detail about your unexplainable event that convinced you God exists, nothing. You moved onto asking me about a spirit. Then I asked you what your definition of what a spirit is and you come back with "oh no it doesn't matter what I think, do you have one or not?" - I can't answer that unless you define exactly what you mean. Which is another creationist tactic, keep shit as vague as possible so that when your opponent explains it for you, you can go off onto another tangent and act like that's what you were talking about in the first place.

If what your proposing was even close to true, it would be pretty apparent, and you wouldn't have to be so vague about anything. People who know what they're talking about and believe in something know how to explain it, whatever it is.

You clearly know absolutely nothing of evolution, or science for that matter.

Strata layers, rivers... the Earth being 6 thousand years old. Give me a fuckin' break, we've been over this a million times over. All of it.

Do you guys understand how frustrating it is for people to explain this same exact shit thousands of times to people who simply refuse to get it because of their religous convictions?

I'm seriously just about at the end of my rope..
That's bullshit HMTH. Have you noticed how all you've been doing this entire time is tiptoe around what I ask you? Every time. I asked you to explain to me in detail about your unexplainable event that convinced you God exists, nothing. You moved onto asking me about a spirit. Then I asked you what your definition of what a spirit is and you come back with "oh no it doesn't matter what I think, do you have one or not?" - I can't answer that unless you define exactly what you mean. Which is another creationist tactic, keep shit as vague as possible so that when your opponent explains it for you, you can go off onto another tangent and act like that's what you were talking about in the first place.

If what your proposing was even close to true, it would be pretty apparent, and you wouldn't have to be so vague about anything. People who know what they're talking about and believe in something know how to explain it, whatever it is.

You clearly know absolutely nothing of evolution, or science for that matter.

Strata layers, rivers... the Earth being 6 thousand years old. Give me a fuckin' break, we've been over this a million times over. All of it.

Do you guys understand how frustrating it is for people to explain this same exact shit thousands of times to people who simply refuse to get it because of their religous convictions?

I'm seriously just about at the end of my rope..


do you believe in aliens?