Ex-landlord is really retarded. What a laugh.

Man you handled that like a pimp.

I have two systems I can either call Karl he is a lawyer and would write a letter like that for me, we go way back, or I call Tony, me and him go back even further, tony's method more often involves a baseball bat.
yea sue that bitch she try to use state codes to scare u she has no write as long as you have pics ur golden also did u ever get a reason for being evicted if you go to court she will have to present why u were evicted she probabbly falsified info to get you evicted hope u have ur notice being she didnt give it to u in the right amount of time plus u will get intrest and if u had moving expenses that u can prove u could get those too good luck fuck that bith
I don't know what it is like in sri lanka, but this 'merica and over here we have something called pants. White men have exclusive rights as to who wears the pants. We use those rights to keep 'merican standard as the standard and put foreigners in their place!

I completely agree with how you are handling the situation bro, way to stick it to an asshole, but the quote above definitley comes off a little racist.. Whoever left you feedback may have gone about it poorly but they weren't wrong to take you for a racist.
If anyone took that serriously, I am sorry. I thought the asinine tone was coming through in text. I made fun of the spelling of america and our refusal to switch the ever more simplified metric and our in ability to leave other countries as nations alone.

I guess sarcasm is better left out of text
I hear ya bro, I say stupid shit all the time that most people would take for racism, just wanted to point out what may have been taken for racism, besides that way to own that cunt, I can't stand people who try and pull that type shit like what you described she did.
Yeah I am not dumb I am getting myself educated. I also know how to use a search function. And luckily in my way of thinking about it I am earning about 4200 in very minimal time.