I see Donald was in the news again asking Putin for help, first against Hilary, then Joe by black mailing Zelenskiy and now with Hunter Biden. Now do you see why some people want Donald running around ripping the GOP to pieces? They don't want the fucker in prison yet and he would be there or almost by now, if Alvin Bragg never pulled the pin on it. I do feel he's got a trial date on national TV in Georgia, where state republicans will be testifying against him in open court this summer. It will literally be a riot outside the courthouse and a spectacle inside, that should capture national attention and a very large viewership. It will be the trial of the century for awhile, until he's indicted for the really big crime of the century and that will be a federal charge.
So Donald is asking for Vlad's help in the middle of a popular war with massive national support for the Ukrainians and a growing national hard on for Vlad. Perfect timing I think, jenus, just like Putin's invasion, two peas in a pod really, Vlad is holding the brain. Asking Vlad for favors on TV is becoming habit forming for Donald, maybe third time's the charm.