Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Future redistricting will produce many thin pie piece shaped districts with the thin edge of the wedge extending into cities or suburbs and the wider end in the country side for more balanced rural/urban districts where possible. Most cities will share districts with large surrounding rural areas where possible. Straight geographic lines where possible for a better democracy. Gerrymandering leads to political extremes, right and left, balanced districts leads to balanced policy and a more centrist and stable electorate.
Ten years ago the GOP cut out districts that are +5% in their favor. Some of those flipped blue after Trumpf. They might make it 6-7 after the new numbers are plugged in.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully. This shit is criminal.

Again I hope this happens, but right now the Republicans are showing that this scam is still ongoing because they are not letting up.

It all comes down to if Trump exposing their propaganda machine so utterly and if the Democrats were able to pick back up enough power (DC and 2018) to stop this insurrection scam that Trump and the Republicans have been hard pushing since at least 2014.

The long con is exposed and the con men are all just saying fuck it and going with it. Who knows how this ends.

And it is not just us. France is on the verge of electing a far right fucknut into office too. UK still has Boris, Mexico has whatever is going on with that guy, Putin is still pulling shit, China really really wants to annihilate the last bits of resistance in their region, there is a global pandemic that is walking though another nuclear power nation in India.

So yeah, I hope shit like gerrymandering that the Republicans got to do in 2010 (Tea Party scam) and stuffing judges under Trump, is actually understood enough to be stopped.
Yep, it is a global phenomena and the only common themes are changes in communications and transportation technology. Those countries that have the roots of social division are most vulnerable, the EU has a genuine migration crises, poor disunified immigration policy and border controls. India is an ancient multicultural society and we are modern ones. People can only accept social/political change at a certain rate and only if it makes sense. This is not exclusively an American issue, it's just that you live there and I live next door. Canada has these issues too and if not for the laws and political culture, we like any other diverse multicultural country would be more subject to the forces of social division than we currently are. However Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and some American cable channels don't help to keep it that way.


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Michigan completes general election audits, no foul play found
Updated Mar 02, 2021; Posted Mar 02, 2021

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson today announced that all 250 of Michigan’s election audits are completed and none turned up evidence of foul play in the 2020 General Election.

Benson said the audit process, led by county clerks with the support of city and township clerks, confirmed the integrity and accuracy of the state’s election process. More than 1,300 clerks examined hand ballots, tabulating machines and absentee county board processes as part of the audits.

“We’ve responded to every question and claim and the evidence is clear,” Benson said. “It is time for leaders across the political spectrum to tell their constituents the truth, that our election was the most secure in history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters.”

More so, Benson said the audits should reinstate people’s confidence in Michigan’s voting process after former president Donald Trump and Republican politicians sought to undermine elections in Detroit and Antrim County with meritless claims that out-of-balance precincts were proof of election fraud.

As part of the audits, clerks counted every ballot cast for president in Antrim County. Benson said the audit found that the Dominion machines used there accurately counted all the ballots. Officials also did a statewide audit exercise in which they had counted votes cast for president on more than 18,000 ballots randomly selected across the state, which affirmed the outcome of the presidential election summed previously by tabulation machines.

Detroit’s absentee counting board was under scrutiny after Republican politicians circulated “lies, baseless conspiracies, and misleading claims” about the city’s voting processes, Benson said.

Benson said clerical errors were made but that election workers properly counted 174,000 ballots cast by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office. More so, auditors found 83% of Detroit’s counting boards were balanced, up from 27% at the close of the Wayne County canvass. Of all the ballots cast in Detroit, only 17 were out of balance.

“No leader or person of power elected, or otherwise, should have ever played political games with the integrity of our elections. But those who did must stop now,” Benson said. “These audits, carried out by hundreds of clerks across the political spectrum and hailing from all parts of our state, make it clear that it is time to acknowledge the truth and move forward. Our democracy requires this of all of us.”

Auditors made like conclusions in audits of other large cities’ absentee ballot counting boards. In Grand Rapids, 87% were balanced compared to 62 percent at the end of the county canvass, and only eight ballots were out of balance. In Livonia, 77% were balanced compared to 34% at the end of the county canvass, and only one ballot was out of balance. In Sterling Heights, 71% were balanced compared to 58% at the end of the county canvass, and the number of ballots out of balance was four.

Benson said out-of-balance precincts are common in the election process because of clerical errors, like when an election worker failed to note that a voter at the polls checked in and left with a ballot in their hand. Such mistakes are often corrected by county clerks’ counting boards but time constraints and largely populated jurisdictions can make the process harder, Benson said.

“(Auditors) found that the reason many of the counting boards were left out of balance without explanation at the end of the county canvass was simply (that) canvassers ran out of time,” Benson said. “If state lawmakers truly want to affirm faith in our elections, they will provide more time to election officials to process absentee ballots before Election Day, and canvass them afterward. Had they done this prior to November, after clerks and I asked them to for more than a year, they could have pre-emptively debunked many of the lies that have since attacked our democracy.”

Benson’s legislative agenda for elections, Advancing the Vote, Protecting Democracy, was released last month. The Bureau of Elections is drafting a final report on audit findings, which will be made available publicly.


Well-Known Member
Michigan completes general election audits, no foul play found
Updated Mar 02, 2021; Posted Mar 02, 2021

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson today announced that all 250 of Michigan’s election audits are completed and none turned up evidence of foul play in the 2020 General Election.

Benson said the audit process, led by county clerks with the support of city and township clerks, confirmed the integrity and accuracy of the state’s election process. More than 1,300 clerks examined hand ballots, tabulating machines and absentee county board processes as part of the audits.

“We’ve responded to every question and claim and the evidence is clear,” Benson said. “It is time for leaders across the political spectrum to tell their constituents the truth, that our election was the most secure in history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters.”

More so, Benson said the audits should reinstate people’s confidence in Michigan’s voting process after former president Donald Trump and Republican politicians sought to undermine elections in Detroit and Antrim County with meritless claims that out-of-balance precincts were proof of election fraud.

As part of the audits, clerks counted every ballot cast for president in Antrim County. Benson said the audit found that the Dominion machines used there accurately counted all the ballots. Officials also did a statewide audit exercise in which they had counted votes cast for president on more than 18,000 ballots randomly selected across the state, which affirmed the outcome of the presidential election summed previously by tabulation machines.

Detroit’s absentee counting board was under scrutiny after Republican politicians circulated “lies, baseless conspiracies, and misleading claims” about the city’s voting processes, Benson said.

Benson said clerical errors were made but that election workers properly counted 174,000 ballots cast by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office. More so, auditors found 83% of Detroit’s counting boards were balanced, up from 27% at the close of the Wayne County canvass. Of all the ballots cast in Detroit, only 17 were out of balance.

“No leader or person of power elected, or otherwise, should have ever played political games with the integrity of our elections. But those who did must stop now,” Benson said. “These audits, carried out by hundreds of clerks across the political spectrum and hailing from all parts of our state, make it clear that it is time to acknowledge the truth and move forward. Our democracy requires this of all of us.”

Auditors made like conclusions in audits of other large cities’ absentee ballot counting boards. In Grand Rapids, 87% were balanced compared to 62 percent at the end of the county canvass, and only eight ballots were out of balance. In Livonia, 77% were balanced compared to 34% at the end of the county canvass, and only one ballot was out of balance. In Sterling Heights, 71% were balanced compared to 58% at the end of the county canvass, and the number of ballots out of balance was four.

Benson said out-of-balance precincts are common in the election process because of clerical errors, like when an election worker failed to note that a voter at the polls checked in and left with a ballot in their hand. Such mistakes are often corrected by county clerks’ counting boards but time constraints and largely populated jurisdictions can make the process harder, Benson said.

“(Auditors) found that the reason many of the counting boards were left out of balance without explanation at the end of the county canvass was simply (that) canvassers ran out of time,” Benson said. “If state lawmakers truly want to affirm faith in our elections, they will provide more time to election officials to process absentee ballots before Election Day, and canvass them afterward. Had they done this prior to November, after clerks and I asked them to for more than a year, they could have pre-emptively debunked many of the lies that have since attacked our democracy.”

Benson’s legislative agenda for elections, Advancing the Vote, Protecting Democracy, was released last month. The Bureau of Elections is drafting a final report on audit findings, which will be made available publicly.
Unfortunately though the GQP here in Michigan are all up in Trump's big lies so we may end up having the double secret super spy ninja con artists here mucking around in our democracy to slander the Democrats so they can pull their 'Tea Party 2.0' scam.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It is entirely plausible that he is so self absorbed that he actually believes he deserves blowies from a 19 year old girl after buying her dinner while not realizing that she might really have not wanted to.

But regardless, the creeping on a married woman and coming on to lobbyists just shows how entitled he feels.


Well-Known Member
Donald wasn't invited and it wasn't held at a Trump property, 2 strikes, but then again it was about policy and Donald knows squat about that. Donald only knows how to stir up shit and division, he destroys anything he has control over and that makes me hopeful about his base. I'm surprised Trump didn't force them to contract out the planning, catering etc to his company, so he could overcharge and skim off the money.

These clowns are just waiting for Donald and his family to go to prison and clear the field before trying to regain control of the herd, but the herd now has control of them.

Uninvited Trump is specter at GOP retreat
He’s no longer in the White House, and was not invited to speak, but former President Trump remains an outsize presence at the House Republicans' policy retreat in central Florida this week.

The specter of Trump is looming over every move at the annual gathering in Orlando — a retreat designed to unify a fractured Republican Party that’s simultaneously confronting a new Democratic president, racing to win back majorities in the House and Senate in 2022, and fighting to find its footing in a post-Trump Washington.

Yet even GOP leaders couldn’t get on the same page at the retreat’s opening news conference, as GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney (Wyo.) on Monday broke with Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the scope of the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

The McCarthy-Cheney divide is symbolic of the broader discord within a Republican Party that remains at stark odds over how to approach the mercurial Trump since his exit from office more than three months ago.


Well-Known Member
Jamie Schwartz, former campaign manager for GOP OH Rep Steve Chabot, has been charged with wire fraud and falsification of records. US Atty accuses Schwartz of embezzling more than $1.4 million from Chabot's campaign.
The GOP is a grifter magnet, like religion, they are attracted by all the prequalified suckers they see, just make the right noises and you own them and their wallets.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately though the GQP here in Michigan are all up in Trump's big lies so we may end up having the double secret super spy ninja con artists here mucking around in our democracy to slander the Democrats so they can pull their 'Tea Party 2.0' scam.
we got him out of the WH, off Twatter and FB; look how much better life became. every day i think how wonderful it will be when he dies..every day i wish it upon him.

soon, very soon.


Well-Known Member
The GOP in Michigan are as bad as the GOP in Mississippi, deranged criminal morons.

"On Tuesday morning, Maddock shared a tweet that stated, "Masks are Ineffective, Harmful (physically n mentally) and Never Intended for General Population Use."

The message also stated, "(People) need to start bring Legal Action against Employers."

A mask is physically and mentally harming me! I am so traumatized, I don't know if I can eat my lunch. All I can think of is people with no mouths. And their beady eyes. THEIR BEADY EYES!


Well-Known Member
The GOP in Michigan are as bad as the GOP in Mississippi, deranged criminal morons.

Looks like these two GQP were in on the Tea Party scam too.
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