EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
"Centrism" is based on "moderate political views or policies". "Moderate" means "average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree". Most of what Senator Sanders is proposing or using to promote his political platform like universal healthcare or universal college is considered "moderate" by most standards. Every other first world nation on Earth except the US has universal healthcare. I'd argue that we're the exception to the rule.

The things Sanders is proposing most Americans agree with according to the polls

Nonsense. Clinton benefitted much more than Sanders due to undemocratic primaries and caucuses, I even did the math a few pages back;

Closed Caucuses Sanders won:

41 - Colorado
23 - Kansas
15 - Nebraska
17 - Maine
13 - Alaska
7 - Wyoming

Closed Primaries Sanders won:

9 - Democrats Abroad

Total = 125

Closed Caucuses Clinton won:

20 - Nevada
4 - American Samoa
4 - Northern Marianas
4 - Guam

Closed Primaries Clinton won:

37 - Louisiana
141 - Florida
42 - Arizona
139 - New York
28 - Connecticut
12 - Delaware
60 - Maryland
106 - Pennsylvania
28 - Kentucky

Total = 625

So how exactly has "Clinton been hurt at least as much by caucuses as Sanders has been hurt by closed primaries"? Even if you throw in the other open caucuses Sanders won: MN, ID & WA, the total only comes out to 263 delegates for Sanders, 2.3 x's less than Clinton
washington state gave all its delegates to bernie in a caucus.

then hillary won the popular vote in a meaningless primary.

reconcile that.


Well-Known Member
Mr Sanders has been around for 30 years and his message has remained remarkably consistent throughout that time. The idea that he's an unknown is laughable- and an example of the kind of media bias the sanders campaign has been fighting the entire time.

Next, Mr Sanders is a CENTRIST. The left wing corner he's constantly painted into is another example of media bias.

Finally, Mrs Clinton has secured the nomination with the assistance of corporate America OVERRIDING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. So his campaign has made it very clear that America is not a democracy; a development that should trouble every American.


Well-Known Member
I would too, I'd vote for her if she gave Bernie a bigger platform and a foot in the door.. Hell ..even spending time with him would rub off on her...she would NEVER even considerate it though.
I never thought I would say it..but I'd be happy with that.

Bernie needs to check her.

Make sure that there is SOME representation of us.


Well-Known Member
He is someone who behind the scenes will keep her honest.

I'm liking the idea.
He'd do a much better job out in front in the Senate, with the influence he's gained by resonating with such a large bloc of voters. I believe he'd know what to do with it.

In such a position he could hold not only opposing senators accountable, but even the eventual president.


Well-Known Member
Disagree buddy ... Many of his supporters didn't know him until 18-24 months ago.... Everyone knows Joe Biden or Cheyney...bigger platform and bigger megaphone.
Oh, that bridge of household name recognition has definitely been crossed by now. That's the source of the influence I'm speaking of; no one will ever forget what Bernie Sanders stood for when running for president, and his work with other senators like Elizabeth Warren will be much higher profile than before.

The VP has a way of fading from the headlines pretty quickly. Irrelevance, you know...


Well-Known Member
If I was running that campaign I would have had Sanders-Warren bumper stickers and pins..signs long ago... He'd have stolen 12-15% of the women vote ... He ran too clean a campaign..nice guys finish last.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that bridge of household name recognition has definitely been crossed by now. That's the source of the influence I'm speaking of; no one will ever forget what Bernie Sanders stood for when running for president, and his work with other senators like Elizabeth Warren will be much higher profile than before.

The VP has a way of fading from the headlines pretty quickly. Irrelevance, you know...
Position of veep is worth a bucket of warm spit was how one politician described it. I think Hillary would bury Sanders in VP position. I hope this isn't something Bernie would settle for.


Well-Known Member
If I was running that campaign I would have had Sanders-Warren bumper stickers and pins..signs long ago... He'd have stolen 12-15% of the women vote ... He ran too clean a campaign..nice guys finish last.
I think he ran a campaign that represented who he was. And gained loyal supporters by doing so. But you are correct in inferring that Hillary ran a campaign that put winning above anything else including a clean campaign.