Exhausting Question


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first post and I am new to this site (so lets keep jokes to a min).

OK so here is what is up, I have a closet grow just started and I want to put a exhausting unit in the room. In the room is a 1985 gas water heater that vents the toxic fumes that it makes out side through a 6'' duct. My thoughts are to cut into the vent and put a split on it (Y pipe) and then reconecting the water heater vent to it and then on the other side put a inline duct fan to exhaust the grow room air. This way I do not have to cut any holes in my walls and so forth. Does anyone think this a good idea?

I am new to growing indoors and this is my 2nd grow ever. So any info is great!


Well-Known Member
Yes I had though about keeping on the fan. But i'm not sure if the set up will make an upset with my water heater.

Thank you fish601 for responding.