expected yield


hi all, i am setting my first grow up, i am using 4 x 400w MH for veg, and vegging for 4 weeks, then using 4 x 600w HPS for flowering, my tent is 8' x 8', i am using barneys g13 haze, and hydroponics i am using mulitflow flood and drain system, if anyone has an idea on how much i wud yield approximately, all feedback welcome. bongsmilie

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
2 ounces, give or take a pound, and you should certainly hope they don't take a pound cus then you're like in negative weed :O


Well-Known Member
Ya left out the how many plants part.2 to 3 zips per plant prolly.Could be 6 to 8 if ya grow right indoors but then again ya could end up with a 1/4 zip if ya fuck up the grow.Indoors I say 2 to 4 zips is about normal.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, right then, in which case just 24 x 2-4 ounces :) as said it seems that the typical indoor plant will be 2-4 zips, depending on how you grow it it could be much more or much less, as Kruzty pointed out

short answer? you'll yeild enough! :)


Well-Known Member
23,999,999 milligrams per square foot, but only if you harvest on the 3rd tuesday of the month, if you dont it could be anyones guess!