Experienced growers wanted!?!


Well-Known Member
Hey there,
Hope you guys can help. Im growing in FF ocean with 20% perlite. I use Sensi A&B at 850 ppm. I water about every other day and am just over 3 weeks into 12/12...
These things look like shit to me. The curling is obvious but the pics don't show that many of the fan leaves have dried up and fallen off. What am I doing wrong here guys?? :peace:


Well-Known Member
your soil came with nutes i think plus you are giving advanced at 800ppm every watering ? feed feed flush ( plain water ) flush 3 times thats water plant 3 times as usual with just plain water. I hope you have a ph tester and make sure your watering solution is 5.8 to 6.2, or else ur just wasting your time. check runoff ph. you just got a bit of nute burn not a big deal but its basicaly teling you its getting too much food


Looks like a reaction to excess salts/nutrients. I got similar damage with soil grown plants that were fertilized with fish juice. Once I cut back the fertilizer concentration (way down to 1/10 of the recommendation) and flushed the soil with clean water the plants recovered and grew normally.

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
overwatering and maybe some burning from nutes.oceans is really hot soil.do a flush...and check ur ph & a tds (ppm)u cant go off just what the bottle says to mix.if u bring ur ppm up to high to fast ull burn

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
850 seams kinda low but iam not 100% on the rates for soil.i flower starting around 1200 ppm which to some is high,to me just average.i go up around 150 to 200 ppm each week till i hit about 1600ppm(pumping that shit)i peak at 5-6 weeks then at 7 i drop down to 1000and by wk 8 and so on till 250-300 ppm. dont forget to flush that plant.i would flush 2 times and hold off on water till the top 2inches dry up(about 3-5 days)the less u water the better.u want those roots to be spreading out looking for water.....weak roots=weak plant. only use nutes every other watering