
King Tut
In my opinion, psychologists or somebody trained in situations like this, that can take control of the situation, from a safe distance (maybe a megaphone or cell phones) that can diffuse the situation, as opposed to taking the lives of people who are crying for help. The system needs a complete overhaul.
The cops definitely put themselves within his kill zone . Poor tactics at best. Maybe we should train more cops in negotiations? Or mental health? Idk the answer.

But I do agree that SOMETHING must change because what we have now is NOT working, for the general public that is.


King Tut
Is the 5 minute rule in the police manual?
None that I have read. I saw nothing in the video to justify shooting the guy other than raising the straight razor while within the cops danger zone (which they created ). But at 5 minutes adrenaline rush, I can see someone squeezing the trigger on a glock just a little too hard too. Maybe the booger finger shouldn't have been on the bang bang switch.

Horrible situation. Do you think there would be more outrage if he wasn't white? At least the race issue shouldn't complicate this particular investigation and we might get some timely answers.


Well-Known Member
None that I have read. I saw nothing in the video to justify shooting the guy other than raising the straight razor while within the cops danger zone (which they created ). But at 5 minutes adrenaline rush, I can see someone squeezing the trigger on a glock just a little too hard too. Maybe the booger finger shouldn't have been on the bang bang switch.

Horrible situation. Do you think there would be more outrage if he wasn't white? At least the race issue shouldn't complicate this particular investigation and we might get some timely answers.
More outrage? Maybe, but that's because BLM is out there making noise. Being white doesn't make me any less outraged. The difference is that when you're white, the system has a tendency to actually work far more frequently. This shit has been going on forever. The difference now is that everyone carries a camera in their pocket. If it isn't filmed though, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Again media at its Finest we only get one side when in fact there is 2 sides of every story problem in today's era,, Is who can present it better and make people believe that they are right and other person was wrong
The cop was little extreme obviously but again who really knows full facts what could of been said before phone video was on ,, etc etc obviously she also had no respect for authority being either Teacher or police so where does it end ??
she was black that is why he treated her like that ??? i Call BS on that
We all sit here and ridicule the cop but yet forget what is it like being in his shoes for just one day ???? i am sure stress , mental fatigue all comes into the equation ?? lets not forget all the mental illness our military gets after returning from a war zone ,, If nd when they fuck up should we banish them right off the bat ????
We all are guilty of blowing a fuse at one time or another example someonecomands his dog to do something or stay etc only to beat on dog for not doing what it was told etc its a fine line between everything
Again can't imagine being a cop and working Compton or Detroit follwing everything by the rules will land you dead in a matter of time , right so you become a ass hole to survive get answers and get results we see it all to often on TV series right lol


Well-Known Member
Again media at its Finest we only get one side when in fact there is 2 sides of every story problem in today's era,, Is who can present it better and make people believe that they are right and other person was wrong
The cop was little extreme obviously but again who really knows full facts what could of been said before phone video was on ,, etc etc obviously she also had no respect for authority being either Teacher or police so where does it end ??
she was black that is why he treated her like that ??? i Call BS on that
We all sit here and ridicule the cop but yet forget what is it like being in his shoes for just one day ???? i am sure stress , mental fatigue all comes into the equation ?? lets not forget all the mental illness our military gets after returning from a war zone ,, If nd when they fuck up should we banish them right off the bat ????
We all are guilty of blowing a fuse at one time or another example someonecomands his dog to do something or stay etc only to beat on dog for not doing what it was told etc its a fine line between everything
Again can't imagine being a cop and working Compton or Detroit follwing everything by the rules will land you dead in a matter of time , right so you become a ass hole to survive get answers and get results we see it all to often on TV series right lol
No excuse. That was a child. Fuck him and whatever you think he was going through. Too stressful? Get another fucking job.


Well-Known Member
Again media at its Finest we only get one side when in fact there is 2 sides of every story problem in today's era,, Is who can present it better and make people believe that they are right and other person was wrong
The cop was little extreme obviously but again who really knows full facts what could of been said before phone video was on ,, etc etc obviously she also had no respect for authority being either Teacher or police so where does it end ??
she was black that is why he treated her like that ??? i Call BS on that
We all sit here and ridicule the cop but yet forget what is it like being in his shoes for just one day ???? i am sure stress , mental fatigue all comes into the equation ?? lets not forget all the mental illness our military gets after returning from a war zone ,, If nd when they fuck up should we banish them right off the bat ????
We all are guilty of blowing a fuse at one time or another example someonecomands his dog to do something or stay etc only to beat on dog for not doing what it was told etc its a fine line between everything
Again can't imagine being a cop and working Compton or Detroit follwing everything by the rules will land you dead in a matter of time , right so you become a ass hole to survive get answers and get results we see it all to often on TV series right lol
We do all blow a fuse from time to time but if it were any civilian in that video they would be in prison. It wouldn't be a debate on loosing ones job or not. It would be an immediate arrest. And if the stress of your job is getting to you to the point of you wanting to hurt people, it's time for a new job.


King Tut
So what'd she do?

Care to give a little context?

What happened immediately before the video?

Why was she resisting?
The officer saw her walking in and out of traffic and she walked away when approached. If my memory serves me correctly. Happened here in Cali a few months back.