Facebook = Cockblock


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is facebook a fucking cockblock nowadays? ...Its like once you flirt with a girl on there all the other ones know about it so that fucks your chances up with the other ones etc... etc...

The internet just isnt what it used to be :'-(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If i flirt with girls i flirt in real life. I do not see any reason to post intimate details or messages publicly on facebook, and are not forced to. If you don't want other girls seeing your flirting with some girl, then don't publish it for everyone to see :lol:

Facebook is a joke and the people that use it seem to transform into absolute morons upon login, thankfully my account is gone and deleted :) It started off so great as well, clean simple and effective :(


Well-Known Member
Oh i hear ya about the real life flirting.. but you have to understand that when you meet a 20 something chick shes probably gonna have a facebook and is probably gonn arequest friendship. .... And then the shitstorm begins. ..... DAMN YOU FACEBOOK! lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh i hear ya about the real life flirting.. but you have to understand that when you meet a 20 something chick shes probably gonna have a facebook and is probably gonn arequest friendship. .... And then the shitstorm begins. ..... DAMN YOU FACEBOOK! lol
I do not have to tell her i use facebook just because she sais she has a page, i'll quite happily exchange phone numbers instead and give her a call. Nothing happens on facebook wihtout you letting it happen, there are privacy settings to each post you make for the very reason that maybe you don't want others seeing it. Furthermore if you know that it is a cockblocker and that pisses you off this much then why do you have an account, would the next logical step not be "right, facebook cock blocks, don't use it"

Facebook made me hate my friends.
Totally hear you, some people would post status updates or like certain thinks (such as browsing around facebook so they could like marks and spencer...) that made me just delete them straight off. In real life they are all scholars, musicians, you name it, on facebook they're a collective of idiocy. Facebook nowadays just reminds me of the film idiosyncrasy


Well-Known Member
It's the fucking games people play that drove me nuts(the "ville" games), or the baby mama drama, people posting personal drama that others don't need to know.


Pickle Queen
um private message her, no need to post on her wall unless your trying to start shit, or make other guys jealous. And really if that's the case maybe it's the "type" of chick your picking up that's wrong for you. Try finding a chick that does require facebook friendship, here a few tips coming from a girl.
If her profile pic is her half naked or making "duck face" don't accept!!
Check out her wall, if half a dozen guys are calling her sexy or "hawt" lol again dont be a tool move on!
Profile pics really show u who a person is, don't believe me check some out!!!
also alot or girls can't understand that classy is not trashy!!!
How many "friends" does she have- really anything over 300 explains alot- (really i know alot of people and have a large family and still not over 300)
And look at her pics, are they all bar pics or family and friend pics- if u decide to chase a whore, don't be surprised when she acts like one!!!
I consider myself lucky to have a pretty face, nice body, i've never had issues picking up guys, but i've never acted like these young skanks do.
Men like natural beauty, i have long brown hair, makeup is something i wear for special events, not everyday. If women learned to take care of themselves insead of faking it out they would have nice soft hair and clear skin!! My man likes being able to run his fingers through my hair, and kiss my forehead without tasting or wearing my "face".
And really guys don't u ever question whats under all that makeup??? Sorry but i'm sooo sick of girls thinking they need to look like paris hilton or some freak off jersey shore. I bake cakes, make quilts, cook, clean, watch tv, u know things women did before some felt they need to grow balls, girls are suppose to be soft, smell good, and be the boss all while your man thinks he is. LOL sorry for the rant by i just sampled some of my shit, wow it's good.....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Men like natural beauty, i have long brown hair, makeup is something i wear for special events, not everyday. If women learned to take care of themselves insead of faking it out they would have nice soft hair and clear skin!! My man likes being able to run his fingers through my hair, and kiss my forehead without tasting or wearing my "face".
And really guys don't u ever question whats under all that makeup??? Sorry but i'm sooo sick of girls thinking they need to look like paris hilton or some freak off jersey shore. I bake cakes, make quilts, cook, clean, watch tv, u know things women did before some felt they need to grow balls, girls are suppose to be soft, smell good, and be the boss all while your man thinks he is. LOL sorry for the rant by i just sampled some of my shit, wow it's good.....
Very well said :) It's all about natural, i want to wake up with the woman i went to bed with. With regard to makeup, don't get me started, half the women that walk down the road look like freaking tarts, surprisingly most women seem to wear really trendy and attractive tops, yet most women then seem to pair this rather attractive torso with a belt they have been convinced is a skirt, some ugg boots and shit loads of blush and eye liner. Noi thankyou. Just be yourself.


Pickle Queen
Bahahaha funny story 2 of my male friends picked up these bobsie twin blonds at the bar, they went back to their place, seperated to their rooms with each a blond, next morning first guy wakes up, no gir in his bed??, he goes to living room where booth girls are sitting, and his buddy is in the bathroom. He looks at them but can't figure out which of these blonds he was with the night before, so he goes to the bathroom and knocks, his buddy lets him in , guess what, he's asking "dude which was mine" lmfao- By this time they realize they are screwed, They walk into the living room where they say " sorry but we gotta get ready for work. Finaly one blond gets up and hugs and kisses guy A. lol True story,


Well-Known Member
when facebook first came out it was the bomb.

you could only see ppl's walls and profiles. you had to navigate towards them.

there were no games. it was just photos and wall posts. oh and you had to be in college to use it. < this was the best part!!

it was so much fun waiting like 2-3 days after a night of crazy partying and trying to sift through photos of random ppl hoping you weren't doing crazy shit in the background.

now it's a bunch of old farts trying to act all cool n social.... putting up pics of that exciting visit to costco...... :wall:


Pickle Queen
Tha video was fucking awesome!!!!

lol at one point my mother was blocked from seeing my wall, reason was she would call and ask why i posted something but never called to tell her???? Hello i'm planting a garden, or having a pizza for lunch, day, do i really need to call??? so after many calls i blocked her from my wall, then she called to ask if my wall was broken? lmfao ya so now my facebook is used for talking with family, after a few stupid people tagged me in bong smoking pics, or wrote about weed, i downsized my "friend" list to actual friends,