Failed attempt at auto NL


First plant I tried to grow,I learn from mistakes because I didn't know as much as I do now about growing. It has suffered retard growth and has been growing since April. It is an autoflower so it shouldn't have taken this long? Will u just harvest it because it doesn't seem to be growing at all I'm working in another plant which seems to be doing great so I'm not really bothered about her anymore



Well-Known Member
whatd you feed it?
phosphorus helps finish buds out but should have been available to the plant already for it to really be kicken along rightly.

genetics play a huge role in autos and theyre not always marketed to newbies. some of them require pretty spot on feeding schedules. anyway try a resilient but heavy yielding strain like critical auto, or auto ultimate, humboldt auto sour diesel..... also get a bigger container for those varieties. dont keep a damp soil with autoflowers, they like it on the drier side with frequent light waterings, youll figure it out, dont get discouraged.

the good thing about autos is that they will live and live and live and bud and bud until it just gets sick of budding and living and then will brown over and die. some people find luck in reviving them, but there isnt much of a write up anywhere, just random successive onset by slightly poorly bred autos showing parent traits.
iv had success with auto NL from Royal Queen. dont keep a damp soil with autoflowers, they like it on the drier side.

its pretty much as ripe as youll want it to be. unfortunately skimpy but hey thats learning. notice how the top has gone yellow.


whatd you feed it?
phosphorus helps finish buds out but should have been available to the plant already for it to really be kicken along rightly.

genetics play a huge role in autos and theyre not always marketed to newbies. some of them require pretty spot on feeding schedules. anyway try a resilient but heavy yielding strain like critical auto, or auto ultimate, humboldt auto sour diesel..... also get a bigger container for those varieties. dont keep a damp soil with autoflowers, they like it on the drier side with frequent light waterings, youll figure it out, dont get discouraged.

the good thing about autos is that they will live and live and live and bud and bud until it just gets sick of budding and living and then will brown over and die. some people find luck in reviving them, but there isnt much of a write up anywhere, just random successive onset by slightly poorly bred autos showing parent traits.
iv had success with auto NL from Royal Queen. dont keep a damp soil with autoflowers, they like it on the drier side.

its pretty much as ripe as youll want it to be. unfortunately skimpy but hey thats learning. notice how the top has gone yellow.
So do u think I should harvest it?


whatd you feed it?
phosphorus helps finish buds out but should have been available to the plant already for it to really be kicken along rightly.

genetics play a huge role in autos and theyre not always marketed to newbies. some of them require pretty spot on feeding schedules. anyway try a resilient but heavy yielding strain like critical auto, or auto ultimate, humboldt auto sour diesel..... also get a bigger container for those varieties. dont keep a damp soil with autoflowers, they like it on the drier side with frequent light waterings, youll figure it out, dont get discouraged.

the good thing about autos is that they will live and live and live and bud and bud until it just gets sick of budding and living and then will brown over and die. some people find luck in reviving them, but there isnt much of a write up anywhere, just random successive onset by slightly poorly bred autos showing parent traits.
iv had success with auto NL from Royal Queen. dont keep a damp soil with autoflowers, they like it on the drier side.

its pretty much as ripe as youll want it to be. unfortunately skimpy but hey thats learning. notice how the top has gone yellow.
And also do u have any recomendations when harvesting it


Well-Known Member
cut it down, leave the sugar leaves on (the small bud leaves) and remove the fan leaves (the large arm like leaves). place in a brown paper bag. cut to fit on the bottom of the bag. either have a big enough bag so you only layer one or two layers of buds or branches, up to you. fold the mouth shut, place in a room at 70 to 80 degrees and dark. turn the buds over in the bag once a day. in about a week or two theyl be dry enough to jar.

do some research on curing techniques in the mean time because youll need a hygrometer to measure relative humidity. they cost about $2-$30 varying greatly in quality and functions. youd do fine with the $2 ones on ebay if you are curing indoors. you'll jar the buds after trimming off the leaves. when you buy pot, it looks all pretty because the grower removes the sugar leaves so all you get are calyxes and a main stem. save your trim to cook with, hash, etc. they still have plenty of thc. and if youre broke yea you can smoke the sugar leaves. play around with this grow, you'll be kinda disappointed when you find the buds arent dense and bla bla bla. ask questions while you are starting and make a journal or something. people will mosey by and answer questions. not always in the grow journals section will questions get answered but yea.

you start the cure when the stems are snappable but remain in tact. you may learn by squezzing a bud too.

place in a jar for with a humidty gauge (hygrometer) for around 6 hours and check the humidity then.

itll hopefully be around 75-80%, then you take the lid off, take the buds out and wait 2-12 hours, youll have to learn how to tune according to your environment.

place buds back into the jar and check the humidty in a few hours, itll have dropped to about 60-65%, pop the lid off the jar for a few hours and bring the humidity down between 55-60% for a final curing. burp the jar every day for the first week quickly and once a week for the next 2-3, then let it set for a month. thatll end up 2-3 months for a full cure. dont be tooo suprised if the buds still taste like dry grass. it just takes practice
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cut it down, leave the sugar leaves on (the small bud leaves) and remove the fan leaves (the large arm like leaves). place in a brown paper bag. cut to fit on the bottom of the bag. either have a big enough bag so you only layer one or two layers of buds or branches, up to you. fold the mouth shut, place in a room temperature to 80 degree dark place and turn the buds over in the bag once a day. in about a week or two theyl be dry enough to jar.

do some research on curing techniques in the mean time because youll need a hygrometer to measure relative humidity. they cost about $2-$30 varying greatly in quality and functions. youd do fine with the $2 ones on ebay if you are curing indoors. you'll jar the buds after trimming off the leaves. when you buy pot, it looks all pretty because the grower removes the sugar leaves so all you get are calyxes and a main stem. save your trim to cook with, hash, etc. they still have plenty of thc. and if youre broke yea you can smoke the sugar leaves. play around with this grow, you'll be kinda disappointed when you find the buds arent dense and bla bla bla. ask questions while you are starting and make a journal or something. people will mosey by and answer questions. not always in the grow journals section will questions get answered but yea.

you start the cure when the stems are snappable but remain in tact. you may learn by squezzing a bud too.

place in a jar for with a humidty gauge (hygrometer) for around 6 hours and check the humidity then.

itll hopefully be around 75-80%, then you take the lid off, take the buds out and wait 2-12 hours, youll have to learn how to tune according to your environment.

place buds back into the jar and check the humidty in a few hours, itll have dropped to about 60-65%, pop the lid off the jar for a few hours and bring the humidity down between 55-60% for a final curing. burp the jar every day for the first week quickly and once a week for the next 2-3, then let it set for a month. thatll end up 2-3 months for a full cure. dont be tooo suprised if the buds still taste like dry grass. it just takes practice
Thanks so much for the help and the tips given. I really appreciate it :clap:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
there's a lot of different ways to cure. i like to cut sun leaves off, then hang the buds up for 5 or 6 days, till a pencil sized stem breaks pretty crisply. then i do the brown bag thing for 2 or 3 days, to get a little more of the deep down moisture out. then i trim really good and jar, burping for about an hour 3 times a day for 3 days, then twice a day for 3 days, then once a day for a week, then every 3 or 4 days till i think its ready. you can smoke it along about the 5th or 6th burping day, but the longer you wait the better it is