Faith in Humanity Restored Thread


Well-Known Member
That made me cry. I've done this a time or two. Mostly for kids who don't have enough money. It's so sad to watch a kid have to put back something they really wanted.
ive tried to do this before, it wasnt like this, paying for all her groceries and what not. but i was at walmart and this lady was like 20 something short.. she had a cart full of beer and food and had kids with her, she didnt have enough to pay for all the shit so she starts tellin the cashier to put back the food and one of the kids was smart, he goes isnt the food more important. so i tried to give her30 bucks.. a 20 and a 10, she looked at me like i was the worst person in the world. she goes "i can provide for my family just fine asshole"... obivously, bitch

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
ive tried to do this before, it wasnt like this, paying for all her groceries and what not. but i was at walmart and this lady was like 20 something short.. she had a cart full of beer and food and had kids with her, she didnt have enough to pay for all the shit so she starts tellin the cashier to put back the food and one of the kids was smart, he goes isnt the food more important. so i tried to give her30 bucks.. a 20 and a 10, she looked at me like i was the worst person in the world. she goes "i can provide for my family just fine asshole"... obivously, bitch
I had that happen to me too, I was cashiering and this lady was like $8 short so I offered to pay the rest, she got pissed and gave me this big speech about how she didn't need my charity.

Then she grabs her kids and storms out of the store without getting anything.


Well-Known Member
ive tried to do this before, it wasnt like this, paying for all her groceries and what not. but i was at walmart and this lady was like 20 something short.. she had a cart full of beer and food and had kids with her, she didnt have enough to pay for all the shit so she starts tellin the cashier to put back the food and one of the kids was smart, he goes isnt the food more important. so i tried to give her30 bucks.. a 20 and a 10, she looked at me like i was the worst person in the world. she goes "i can provide for my family just fine asshole"... obivously, bitch
I had that happen to me too, I was cashiering and this lady was like $8 short so I offered to pay the rest, she got pissed and gave me this big speech about how she didn't need my charity.

Then she grabs her kids and storms out of the store without getting anything.
God I wish a meteor would just destroy this whole fucking species


Pickle Queen
Not even close, If anything this site tells me people are cruel, cold and horrible, yes hurting others is a great pass time, ur gonna go far in life with such a great attitude :)


Well-Known Member
Better listen dude before she gets your FB info.. lol
no facebook here... if i want to talk to anyone from my past, i have their phone number.... who gives a fuck if bob smith went to a party last sunday or harrietta johnson hates mondays


Well-Known Member

Recently I have given cupcakes to a pregnant mother holding a baby.
She had come in to buy for daughter at home. I saw that she had walked
from several blocks away so I gave her the last 1/2 dozen cakes.
She had come for 1 to make her daughter smile, she left with a smile for her whole family.

and I have stopped traffic in the middle of the street to save turtles, tortoise and terrapins
trying to cross.

So I may not be as big of an ass as some may perceive.;-)


Well-Known Member

Recently I have given cupcakes to a pregnant mother holding a baby.
She had come in to buy for daughter at home. I saw that she had walked
from several blocks away so I gave her the last 1/2 dozen cakes.
She had come for 1 to make her daughter smile, she left with a smile for her whole family.

and I have stopped traffic in the middle of the street to save turtles, tortoise and terrapins
trying to cross.

So I may not be as big of an ass as some may perceive.;-)
You the fuckin' man, Lokie!

Great job dude


Well-Known Member
Not even close, If anything this site tells me people are cruel, cold and horrible, yes hurting others is a great pass time, ur gonna go far in life with such a great attitude :)
That's the world my dear.. If you think this place is bad, please, don't check out! The lowest levels of humanity reside there, and it's fucking shameful.

I'm probably the most pessimistic person you'll meet these days, it's a challenge for me every day to have hope for... anything really.. What helps me get through those feelings of helplessness and regret for ever being so naive for having hope at all is science. I know on the surface of things it sounds dry and boring, and to be honest, it was for me at first too, when I was going through school being regurgitated facts from science books.. But once I saw it for what it was and realized its potential for giving my own life meaning and purpose, everything changed. People don't mean shit to me, but the world does. People are worthless, expendable, momentary. Existence, reality, the planet is eternal. (as far as it matters to me anyway). Ideas, concepts, equations, those are the things that will be here when I'm gone and forgotten. To make that kind of impression is eternity. Einstein, Sagan, Pasteur, these names will live as long as a single human breathes oxygen. THAT is something to get up for every morning.

Fuck people, they're hopeless. Existence, and the mark you make is what matters. It's sad, but it's true, acceptance is voluntary, but imo, beneficial.. Other people accept it in other ways, namely religion, which again, imo, fucks up the whole cycle of things for everyone else.. But hey, they're comfortable, so fuck you!

Life, what a fuckin' trip, eh..

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Two memories that stand out at the moment.

The first was when I was a kid, maybe 10 years old, at the local arcade. I was on my last tokens pacing the floor for what machine would reap the most benefits when I noticed a fat, women's wallet laying on the ground. I hadn't had to time to react when a different kid notices what I'm staring at. He snatches up the wallet and immediately starts thumbing through it for cash. When he finds what he's looking for his face explodes and he looks at me with a surprised and greedy look in his eyes. I stood there, angry at what was about to happen when I pointed at the only grown woman in the room and said: "Hey, maybe that's hers." Without thinking he turned around, looked, walked up to the woman and asked if "this" was her wallet. Her face then proceeds to explode as I'm sure she was rushed with a dozen different emotions, all leading to her praising the boy for his good actions and then giving him 10$ out of her wallet...
I walked away mad but justified that I helped do the right thing.

The other time I found someone's money, I was filling up at a not-so-nice gas station, in the rougher part of a major city. I walked inside and was waiting in line to pay. As I was standing behind what I can only describe as the cutest old couple I've ever seen. I couldn't but notice how good they looked together. They were both very short with very white hair. What caught my attention is that they were all spiffed up in some real sharp clothes. Clothes from a time period I can only assume was trying to transition out of depression. The energy and principles they represented as they stood there, united at old age.
Anyway I was admiring the woman's long coat covering her dress and the old man's thick slacks leading to some stylish shoes. When I notice a 10$ bill lying at their feet. Not wanting to make them bend over I pick up the bill and proceeded to ask the lovely couple: "Excuse me, is this yours?"
They both turned and (after checking their pocket's) acknowledged the money was in fact theirs. I was secretly blown away by how surprised and genuinely thankful they were. The woman had already done a fine job of making me feel good about myself when she said "not everyone would have done that" this I knew, but that was when I noticed the look they were both giving me. The woman especially.
They were looking at me with this profound, thankful sparkle in the their eyes. I'll never forget the look in that woman's eyes. As if I had just rescued their only child from a fire. They looked at me as if I was one of the last good people in an ever-changing planet full of hate.


Well-Known Member
Two memories that stand out at the moment.

The first was when I was a kid, maybe 10 years old, at the local arcade. I was on my last tokens pacing the floor for what machine would reap the most benefits when I noticed a fat, women's wallet laying on the ground. I hadn't had to time to react when a different kid notices what I'm staring at. He snatches up the wallet and immediately starts thumbing through it for cash. When he finds what he's looking for his face explodes and he looks at me with a surprised and greedy look in his eyes. I stood there, angry at what was about to happen when I pointed at the only grown woman in the room and said: "Hey, maybe that's hers." Without thinking he turned around, looked, walked up to the woman and asked if "this" was her wallet. Her face then proceeds to explode as I'm sure she was rushed with a dozen different emotions, all leading to her praising the boy for his good actions and then giving him 10$ out of her wallet...
I walked away mad but justified that I helped do the right thing.

The other time I found someone's money, I was filling up at a not-so-nice gas station, in the rougher part of a major city. I walked inside and was waiting in line to pay. As I was standing behind what I can only describe as the cutest old couple I've ever seen. I couldn't but notice how good they looked together. They were both very short with very white hair. What caught my attention is that they were all spiffed up in some real sharp clothes. Clothes from a time period I can only assume was trying to transition out of depression. The energy and principles they represented as they stood there, united at old age.
Anyway I was admiring the woman's long coat covering her dress and the old man's thick slacks leading to some stylish shoes. When I notice a 10$ bill lying at their feet. Not wanting to make them bend over I pick up the bill and proceeded to ask the lovely couple: "Excuse me, is this yours?"
They both turned and (after checking their pocket's) acknowledged the money was in fact theirs. I was secretly blown away by how surprised and genuinely thankful they were. The woman had already done a fine job of making me feel good about myself when she said "not everyone would have done that" this I knew, but that was when I noticed the look they were both giving me. The woman especially.
They were looking at me with this profound, thankful sparkle in the their eyes. I'll never forget the look in that woman's eyes. As if I had just rescued their only child from a fire. They looked at me as if I was one of the last good people in an ever-changing planet full of hate. are.

Good job.


Well-Known Member
A while back my mom gave me $70 to go grocery shopping (for the family, not myself) but the pants I was wearing didn't have pockets so I held it in my hand as I put stuff in the cart. When I went to pay for everything I realized I had dropped the money. I left to go back home to get my wallet to pay for the food out of my pocket since I lost my moms money. When I got back I was pissed at myself and just wanted to pay and get out, but an inner voice told me to check the customer service desk just in case someone turned it in. But I was thinking in this day and age, who would turn in $70 just laying in a store, not even accompanied by a wallet or something identifiable? Sure enough when I asked if anyone had turned in my $70 the clerk turned towards a little girl and said she had found the money in a milk cooler. The clerk gave me the money and I told the girl how thankful I was that she was so honest. After I paid for my groceries I saw her pushing her grocery cart back up to the store so I stopped her and said that I wish there were more people in the world like her, because very few people would have turned my money in. I insisted that she take $20 I had because I would have been stuck with the entire cost of groceries had it not been for her. She refused at first, but she accepted after I told her that I would not accept no and she can donate it if she would like. As I was putting away my groceries I watched her run to her mom and proudly show her the money I had given. That lady, is one parent who raised their child right and I wish there were more people like them.


Well-Known Member
I had just gotten paid, had $380 in my wallet, met up with a friend in a Ralphs parking lot to buy an 8th, got out, walked to his car, got back in my car and went home. I fell asleep and 3 hours later someone calls me and tells me a girl called asking for me, she said she found my wallet and looked me up using my drivers license, I immediately called her and she told me the story and gave me directions to her house, I drove over and picked it up, everything still inside. I was completely shocked! I opened it up and took out $40 to hand to her for being such a great person and she insisted against it. She was about my age and imo really cute, I didn't have the balls at the time but I wish I'd asked her out to dinner or something to repay her..

That shit was amazing. Something I'll never forget..