Fan help


Active Member
I have got a fan pointed at a plant on low power, it is not oscillating. I read somewhere on the internet that it was bad to have a constant stream of air on a plant. The main reason I do this is to keep the temperature above the plant low. Should I stop doing this? If so, why?


Well-Known Member
i've never heard of it being bad to have a stream of air blowing on the plant...but if you're that concerned, turn the fan around so it will act as an exhaust...i have 1 as an intake and one as an exhaust to keep the temps downs


Well-Known Member
yea i havent ever heard anything bad about consistant airflow? isnt that what is supposed to be happening in order to keep co2 around the plant?


Well-Known Member
it is good and nescaery to build strong stems in the plant to have air blowing on the plant. Their is a needle in the haystack saying dont do that, he gave up. From what I read it is the satndard to have the fan on to give air and to build strong stems.

The stems turn out beautiful with the fan on them


Well-Known Member
yea if you have ever cut stems you notice the cellulose on the inside; plants that recieve alot of air have a larger hole with thinner more dense cellulose and plants that recive less air movement have thicker less tightly packed cellulose


Well-Known Member
never heard of it being bad... actually thats what i always do. ive never had an oscillating fan. i have 2 small fans one on the lights and a little on the plants and one just on the plants. gata keep em quivering!


Well-Known Member
air movement it good...having the air stream pointed DIRECTLY at your plants is not can get some mean WIND BURN...surprised that none of these responders know what theyre talking about

i do what youre doing but i have the fans in opposite corners of my tent staying just above the canopy circulates air, gets all the gals to do a little jiggle, and doesnt burn up the broads

best of luck