Fan leaves yellowing in!


Hey I planted these from seed, have them under CFLs 24/7. They have been growing super slow but otherwise seem healthy till about a week and a half ago. The fan leaves are turning yellow from the tips/edges inward. I started them on fox farms Grow Big and havent noticed any change yet. The yellowing started at the bottom of the plant and is moving up rather quickly. I dont check the ph of the water I feed them because im on a low budget grow, I give them collected rain water..but im getting a ph kit this week. Please help diagnose the problem and how to correct it...thankyou all very much!!!plants 003.jpgplants 001.jpgplants 008.jpg


mine did that once, i was told to make sure my plants got fresh air and add some crushed egg shells and coffie grounds to the soil and they cleared up in a few weeks good as new. It was redneck growing in a closet but it worked lol.

* as the person above said replant too, throw em in some clean 3-5 gal buckets and they should be good as gold.


Its a good chart but really it could be any number of those, and i'd like to know tips to slowly correct the problem. And if the fox farms Grow Big nutes I started them on will help eventually. thanks.


Ok I will deff re-pot. Did you put used coffee grounds? Thanks for all the info everyone..any tips help! This is my first attempt so im learning..and lol its forsure redneck closet grow.


no they where fresh grounds some little packet gf had in her purse lol. add little by little over several days to much and it will add to much nitrogen to your soil and that not good either.


Hey bud. Newb myself. From what I hear some rain water can be toxic to the plant depending on the level of pollutants in your area ie. Urban environments. I'm using bottled water. Distilled water is best. But all in all you are most likely fine. But anything you can do to improve your grow at no extra cost is always best.


Well-Known Member
Coffee grounds make soil more acidic, so if you have water that has a low pH then no coffee grounds in the soil...but if your water is more basic then you could add some in there with no ill effects...

And I also agree that they probably need to be potted up, personally I would not add coffee grounds....they are really high in Nitrogen and super acidic...I try to avoid anything that is terribly high in nitrogen


Active Member
Looks like the beginnings of a PH problem. Often, especially in smaller containers, repeated feedings will produce a salt buildup which may disrupt the soil's PH balance. Certain nutrients, in this case Nitrogen, become "locked-out". Re-pot those lovely ladies and give them a good flush with plain water before you begin regular feedings again. That may help.
If They went really really dark green first and then went yellow you have to much nitrogen. if they started to go yellow it is ether not enough nitrogen (give it a mist with insta green or super thrive, not so much a regular B1) or give it some calcium/magnesium (calmag)


Thanks for all the info guys! Also is it bad to put them outside during veg, then move them back under the lights at night?? I just like to give them natural light and freash air...

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info guys! Also is it bad to put them outside during veg, then move them back under the lights at night?? I just like to give them natural light and freash air...
Just be sure you don't bring in any unwanted visitors, like bugs, etc. Also, and this may not be a problem for you, you may run the risk of someone spotting them while they are outside. Sunlight is always good but there are some potential risks involved.