Fast yellowing of the leaves...not sure?!?!


Active Member
Not exactly sure whats going on here....5 of each Ace of spade, strawberry cough, and Sour D x G13
The 7th of this month will mark 4 weeks since they sprouted from seed. They are in Pro-Mix and have been watering them nothing but RO water. I gave a suuuper low dose of hygrozyme their last feeding but thats it.....

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks like they are starting to get hungry. You need to start feeding them a nice balance diet........its been awhile since I used promix but as I remember it has little nutrition for the plant......
nitrogen lockout big time use a tea the air in the water will will help the plant re-uptake again, also use a light feed of cal mag with it maybe.


Active Member
Lol thank you all for your feedback! I am going to feed buddha grow with some added sensi cal! i have a grow journal if anyone would be interested in following! Thanks again! happy growingggs!


Well-Known Member
Dont think its N lockout or they would all be yellowing from the bottom up. Looks like light bleaching as the centre plants are affected and has that look about it, raise the light.


Active Member
I did already feed a light light dose of buddha grow and sensi cal and they dont seem to mind it. I am using a T-5 46 , but i as well raised the light another inch. The issue does not seem to be progressing!

Although my clones....Are looking a bit sad. they have been looking like this for 2 weeks. I used rapid rooters and it took 3 weeks, which i doest bother me at all but last go around i used my Ez Cloner and that machine worked beautifully. I will be switching back to the cloner for now and use RR on the sides to play and learn with because i do like the connivence of the are some pictures. All have rooted and i put tthe RR in hydrocorn and have just been top watering with PH'd RO are some pictures! I'd like to put these clones straight into the Titan flow N grow once my current harvest is finished....2013-02-06_18-16-42_402.jpg2013-02-06_18-16-36_87.jpg2013-02-06_18-16-54_543.jpg2013-02-06_18-17-04_651.jpg