Fat Chicks WTF

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"if you LOSERS have a kid and they turn out to be fat and they get made fun of HARDCORE because you all fuckin deserve it"

why the kids tho, they're innocent.:cry:
hey guys...remember...everything he says is pretend! haha ur one of the most ignorant people i have ever encountered...online or in real life. it would be significantly more productive to bang my head against a wall than argue. but...i do feel the need to interject. I have always been an active person. I eat less than 2000 calories a day...which is a far cry from the 9000 u assume fat people must eat in order to be overweight. Aside from my weight i am physically a very healthy person. no diabetes...no high blood pressure, i have it checked every time i see my doctor and its perfect. i have no problems with cholesterol. and im 245lbs. this is just naturally how my body is. I've never gone thru a "phase" where i ate too much junk and put on a ton of weight all of a sudden, i have always been chubby. everyone is built differently. not every body on this planet is designed (for lack of a better word) to be thin.

god what the hell
"Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs"..........................

THis is for who ever just neg-repped be to show you why im fucking pissed, why dont you post up and show me what i said that was sooooo wrong...If you can read..i said "fuck everyone WHO is dissin overweight people"....Obiviously it wasnt at the last couple posts...By the way if you people are pissed at what i said thats perfectly fine with me...this was meant for anyone that was talkin shit about overweight people
these are fertility statues, that is why they are bigger looking
Alright, let's use that as a starting point.

Why would those heavy-set women be used as fertility statues? (Btw, it's hypothesized that they are goddess depictions.)

Could it be because in order to become pregnant a woman must have a certain amount of calories stored for the pregnancy and ensuing lactation? If you agree with that, then let's move on from there.

Could that THEN be taken to mean that healthy mothers, the ones who give birth to healthy children, are not in fact anything resembling skinny, but are in fact what many would consider to be fat, at the least, and obese at the worst?

What does that then say about the statements that "fat = automatically unhealthy"?

dude, seriously...u need to just stop now. ur digging urself into a hole the size of ur overinflated ego, which apparently is infinite.
"if you LOSERS have a kid and they turn out to be fat and they get made fun of HARDCORE because you all fuckin deserve it"

why the kids tho, they're innocent.:cry:

yea there the kids but these ignorant people are gonna feel sorry for talkin shit if their kids turn out the same way as the people there puttin down right now..

Anyone else wanna talk shit on what i had to say...bring it

n whose man enough to admit the neg-repped...
did u say "god what the hell"? what...did i use a bit too much intellect for your underdeveloped brain? what about my post has you so confused? lol
Alright, let's use that as a starting point.

Why would those heavy-set women be used as fertility statues? (Btw, it's hypothesized that they are goddess depictions.)

Could it be because in order to become pregnant a woman must have a certain amount of calories stored for the pregnancy and ensuing lactation? If you agree with that, then let's move on from there.

Could that THEN be taken to mean that healthy mothers, the ones who give birth to healthy children, are not in fact anything resembling skinny, but are in fact what many would consider to be fat, at the least, and obese at the worst?

What does that then say about the statements that "fat = automatically unhealthy"?


point received. but i wasnt ever talking about mothers. mothers indeed need some extra weight while pregnant. This is a good point and kinda spoke to me about the beauty of the pudge. Fat=automatically unhealthy obviously isnt true. but Fat and extremely obese are so different, im speaking of the clinically obese ppl out there.
there are many "clinically obese" people out there. my height in relation to my weight gives me a very high number on the body mass index, according to that im morbidly obese. but im healthy the way i am.
yea there the kids but these ignorant people are gonna feel sorry for talkin shit if their kids turn out the same way as the people there puttin down right now..

Anyone else wanna talk shit on what i had to say...bring it

n whose man enough to admit the neg-repped...

im willing to bet it was EverythingISayIsPRETEND

cuz he got butthurt and negative repped me as well...

he must think him taking away 1 point from my 7-8 rep bars is really gonna do something!

did u say "god what the hell"? what...did i use a bit too much intellect for your underdeveloped brain? what about my post has you so confused? lol

Yea because your response is unwarranted, you can really knock off the smart ass talk, it is not only childish, but not productive in any discussion
point received. but i wasnt ever talking about mothers. mothers indeed need some extra weight while pregnant. This is a good point and kinda spoke to me about the beauty of the pudge. Fat=automatically unhealthy obviously isnt true. but Fat and extremely obese are so different, im speaking of the clinically obese ppl out there.
I'm saying that some of these blanket statements are actually not true, that's the point. One cannot say that a person whose body appears to be what might be called morbidly obese is actually any more unhealthy than a person who is not. The fat itself may not be "unhealthy" in and of itself, other than the value to which we assign it.

That does not make much sense unless you've got a background similar to mine or do the kind of reading I do. But, in a nutshell, what you're getting at is actually a semantic argument, not a truly scientific one. And part of the reason for that is based on the FDA's food pyramid that many of us were brought up with.

If anyone else would care to actually engage in a discussion on the topic, I would be happy to explain more. :)
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point received. but i wasnt ever talking about mothers. mothers indeed need some extra weight while pregnant. This is a good point and kinda spoke to me about the beauty of the pudge. Fat=automatically unhealthy obviously isnt true. but Fat and extremely obese are so different, im speaking of the clinically obese ppl out there.

So, what's wrong with the clinically obese people. HOW do you know they didn't just have a set up sextuplets and has the extra baby weight. How do you know they don't have a thyroid problem. How do you know that they eat and eat and eat all the day and just sit on their ass and don't do a damn thing.

btw, I'm not criticizing you for having you're opinions. I'm criticizing you for prejudging people - just because some clinically obese people get that way from eating food and siting on their ass watching the telly that it speaks for the whole group.
yea its me neg repping haters. i didnt say anything mean to anyone, then came the insults my way. why cant just discuss without the insults

I admit, i came at you with an mindless fuck insult.. But you came back with a bitch insult.. - that's mature.

Just some of you're comments.. are mindless fucks that's what i meant to say :mrgreen:
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