Fav beer? Cast Your Vote


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like me some good Mexican dos equis or heinie.
But usually I just smoke a lil and chase it with a zannie...lol
I love zannies they make me feel all warm inside


Well-Known Member
I have not heard of one of those ... wonder what you would compare those to around here ... hmmm
THey are all german and belgian except old rasputin which is similar to a guiness but has a very espresso after-taste. (brewed in CA)

The others are all wheat beers, kind of like "blue Moon" but much more refined as they are OLD recipe & old breweries. BLue Moon/Shocktop are the Bud of wheat beer. I will drink them anyway of course lol. Hope this helps explain :)

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
This thread should've been a poll.

who likes good beer?
who likes shitty beer?

I go ESB/Longhammer. Rite Aid is the place to buy it. Shit is always $11.99 - 12 pack. I dare anybody to find it cheaper!


Well-Known Member
Kokanee Gold is my fave casual drinking beer. So smooth.

Molson Canadian ICE is my "let's go fuck some shit up, do some blow and get some hookers" kinda beer.


Well-Known Member
Corona by itself tastes like flat piss. But once you squeeze in a lime or 2 and its a hot day, Coronas can be refreshing.


Well-Known Member
Favourite premium beer: Bavaria Holland (not Marka Bavaria, just Bavaria) very smooth.

Favourite Canadian beer: Kokanee or Molson Ex. Both have a nice rich taste and great for camping.

Favourite bargain beer: Lakeport Honey Brown Lager. The original 24 for $24!!!

Favourite draft beer: Guinness. Perfect for that after work pint at the pub.


Well-Known Member
Kokanee Gold is my fave casual drinking beer. So smooth.

Molson Canadian ICE is my "let's go fuck some shit up, do some blow and get some hookers" kinda beer.

I think this thread should have been titled "Favorite TASTING Beer".

Because when I just want to get fucked up I'll buy: 211, Hurricane HG, Keystone ICE, Milwakee ICE, or any number of inexpensive Malt Liquors.

If Im just out chillin at dinner or something Ill get NewCastle or Heffenwizen w/ a slice of lemon squeezed in.


Well-Known Member
at ten dollars a six pack and 10% abv gonna hafta go for victorys golden monkeys when it comes to getting wasted.


Well-Known Member
Id hafta say bud light, close second would be natural light lol, or busch... Only the others if im broke...
I lose all taste for beer after smoking though....
My after fhigh tastes would be a good patron margarita with grand marnier and cointreau.... Cant beat the top shelf for anything........