Favorite Beer While Stoned?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I love heavy tasting beer Pilsners, esp. Czech beer or Belgian, but when I'm stoned, I just want something kinda mellow, Amstel Light, Rolling Rock, Coors Light, anything along that line. Anyone else like me?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Jack daniels...........got to feel the burn.....
Christ Jack and Bud are lethal I've gone through a liter and an 1/8th, not as bad as back in the day mushrooms and alcohol when you can drink 147 beers and not feel it til they wear off lol


Well-Known Member
I love my home brew attempt Fat Tire. Its the best and forget all you light beer drinkers get some taste in your mouth. "THIS IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL"



Legal Moderator, Esq.
Well, it's more the I don't want my stomach to feel too heavy. Like Guiness or any really dark beer I'm not fond of. Used to really like Killians but it's next day effects on your digestive system are colonical ebb and grow.


Well-Known Member
My favorite beer, if I go to a new bar and they have this on tap, It's my immediate first choice!




Ursus marijanus
I happen to prefer lager to ale. In my frij right now: Black Star Double-Hopped Golden Lager from Whitefish MT. Yum.

...But with fish&chips a pint or three of a nice Pale Ale hits the spot (and leaves a crater).
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
Sam Adams. There are so many varieties. I like the Boston Lager, the winter ale, the chocolate Boch (sp) is excellent. I also like the holiday porter. But the best is an ice cold Boston lager served in a frosted mug.


Well-Known Member
Sam Adams. There are so many varieties. I like the Boston Lager, the winter ale, the chocolate Boch (sp) is excellent. I also like the holiday porter. But the best is an ice cold Boston lager served in a frosted mug.
I don't think your avatar abides by the TOS, nonetheless... by far my favorite!

I don't even know what you posted... damn distractions!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i like a nice wheat ale or a good lager. i never met a sam adams i didn't like. their costal wheat is what i would call my "everyday beer" or cottonmouth extinguisher. their boston lager is really the only lager i'll spend money on. if i'm feeling fancy i'll go for the cherry wheat. it's sort of like dr. pepper, you either love it or hate it. i don't care for bud and miller and whatnot unless i'm out to get wasted. those have almost no flavor and go down like water. i hate that budwieser is what people think of when they think of american beer.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but the Killian shits are the worst. That plus the whole "coors with red food coloring thing" from about 15 years ago...
I don't exactly know what you're referring too, coors tastes nothing like killians IMO... and I do/will drink both brands, but as far as taste goes and taste only... IMO... Killians!!


Well-Known Member
Sam Adams. There are so many varieties. I like the Boston Lager, the winter ale, the chocolate Boch (sp) is excellent. I also like the holiday porter. But the best is an ice cold Boston lager served in a frosted mug.
nice avatar mmmmm nipples


Well-Known Member
Christ Jack and Bud are lethal I've gone through a liter and an 1/8th, not as bad as back in the day mushrooms and alcohol when you can drink 147 beers and not feel it til they wear off lol
Ha I always have like a three world feeling when I drink on the come down of shrooms. I see three of everything and each individual thing is spinning in different directions.