Favorite Blunt Flavor + Brand


Well-Known Member
i smoked a peach optimo n a grape dutch the other nite... i aint even finish smokin the blunts, i let my boys finish the rotation with out me. them shits tasted horrible, b.


Active Member
i smoked a peach optimo n a grape dutch the other nite... i aint even finish smokin the blunts, i let my boys finish the rotation with out me. them shits tasted horrible, b.
To Be honest I'm not big on peach unless its of a certain brand. Around here though finding Dutch singles are a bitch and to get a full pack is around 6-7 dollars :(. But there are a bunch of good homeade brands down at the store. Alot of flavors and such that aren't mass produced.


Well-Known Member
I like strawberry, grape and old plain jane. Chocolate is nasty as shit.



Well-Known Member
White owls are the best for rolling fatties. I'm particle to pineapple, peach, and strawberry. On a side not though I currently use blunt wraps for smaller blunts.


Active Member
I HATE flavored blunts cuz they kill the taste. I like to taste my buds. Only sometimes i get vanilla if they dont got regular.

1. Green Games I swear these shits are laced and gets you more high...LOL
2.Regular Phillys/White owl / Vanilla Dutch

sky high

Active Member
1 Green grape game
2 green game
3 Vanilla game

What can i say I think Garcia Y Vega puts the crappiest tobacco inside paired with a really nice outer leaf which makes it affordable and really nice IMO. Im a game fan i guess :joint:



Well-Known Member
There is a vanilla flavored game cigar. Ive had one of those and they are pretty good. should come in a blue package or something.
yea its the blue package

1 Green grape game
2 green game
3 Vanilla game

What can i say I think Garcia Y Vega puts the crappiest tobacco inside paired with a really nice outer leaf which makes it affordable and really nice IMO. Im a game fan i guess :joint:
have you tried the wine flavored games? they are pretty good


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone I wanted to start this to see what kinds of blunts people like to smoke around the globe. I'm not saying I'm a G because I smoke blunts or anything I just enjoy them because they are the right size and flavor for me. Don't get me wrong I love J's here and there but they just don't satisfy me anymore. Alright well enough jabbering here we go.

1. Honey - Optimo
2. Sensual Chocolate - Royal Blunts
3. Strawberry - Royal blunts
4. Strawberry - Phillie's
5. Grape - Swisha

Those are just a few of my fav's happy posting.:hump:
i go old school with joints. if i want a cigar i will smoke 1


Active Member
1 Green grape game
2 green game
3 Vanilla game

What can i say I think Garcia Y Vega puts the crappiest tobacco inside paired with a really nice outer leaf which makes it affordable and really nice IMO. Im a game fan i guess :joint:
Trust me I know about garcia y vega's bakker in the cigars. Its harsh and unpleasing. The taste does not even smell good. I actually had a normal flavored one and it tasted nothing like the game cigars. I know they are made by the same people but Id get the game brand over the normal ones for the reason of them being a shit-ton cheaper.