Favorite Smoking Place


Well-Known Member
I'd love to smoke in an ancient cave... There is TONS and TONS of ancient rock caves in Turkey and Pakistan.... where the Aztecs and shit used to hide from the Romans and stuff..
Those caves are cool as fuck, I'd love to sit in one of those and hotbox it out


Active Member
in the bathroom during church...haha i'm going to hell.

on my roof.

the beach?

my basement


the woods

the high school parking lot(when i was 16)


Active Member
hmm im thinking........

1) in a abandoned castle
2) on some cliffs
3) outside the front of gatwick international airport

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Nothing I love more than smoking a joint out in nature

I just love watching the world move, there is so much energy and so many different forces


Well-Known Member
I've only been smoking for about 2 years so I dont have that many awesome places, but the best place I'll always remember..me and a friend blazed up on a restaraunt balcony right across the street from a police station lol. was kinda intense but it was amazing


1. On the stairs to the capital in Madison, Wisconsin
2. The beach in Jamaica
3. This tree at my house has a super comfortable place to sit in
In no particular order:

1. Busch Gardens, going on the griffon after being freshly lifted and at night is... Interesting.
2. Behind a drug testing facility. (Drove behind this building, chonged, later found out they are the ones who collect the urine samples for drug tests, lol)
3. New York mountains, just snowed. I don't see snow that often, so seeing a range of mountains and a blanket of snow was amazing for me.


Well-Known Member
about 180 air miles from the nearest dirt road, Gulf of Alaska packing moose meat out surrounded by bears high as a motha frickin kite on Northern Lights. Daily. For two and a half months.

on top of mt Snow vt midnight, full moon in winter before doing solo descent by moonlight.

Montego Bay, Jamaica on the beach before the waiter delivers drinks but after room service had delivered lambs breath by the ounces.:)

mmm yeah good times brothers and sisters good times.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
I've smoked in lots of cool places, but one tops the list. In a holding cell at my local police department. Myself and the dude in the cell next to me smoked a blunt the size of Texas, passing it back and forth between the bars. I honestly have no idea how he got it in. Actually that whole night was sweet. After getting really baked in jail, my charges were dropped and I was released. I got my coat from evidence, and as I walked out to the parking lot I check my inside pocket and fucking sweet my 1/2 oz is right where I left it. My snowboarding coat has a zipper pocket inside of the zipper for the coat, and even though I was searched or padded down over 10 times they never found it. I remember riding in the back of the police car and wondering how he didn't notice his whole back seat smelled like a skunk's ass. I still thank my lucky stars for that night.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked in lots of cool places, but one tops the list. In a holding cell at my local police department. Myself and the dude in the cell next to me smoked a blunt the size of Texas, passing it back and forth between the bars. I honestly have no idea how he got it in. Actually that whole night was sweet. After getting really baked in jail, my charges were dropped and I was released. I got my coat from evidence, and as I walked out to the parking lot I check my inside pocket and fucking sweet my 1/2 oz is right where I left it. My snowboarding coat has a zipper pocket inside of the zipper for the coat, and even though I was searched or padded down over 10 times they never found it. I remember riding in the back of the police car and wondering how he didn't notice his whole back seat smelled like a skunk's ass. I still thank my lucky stars for that night.
that's fuunnny right there, yep..lol