fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

i have to take a Soma before i start and it's at least a 4 hour nap afterwards. of all things it has to be my back. :evil:
I got some Soma and Flexiril when I was rear-ended last September. They put me fast, fast asleep. When the pain is really bad Darvocet does the trick, but I have to be careful or I build up tolerance really fast. I think I may have bursitis in my hips now, too. :roll:

Dave just bought some rolling seats from Harbor Freight (that place is so much fun) for working on the bikes (he just bought a third bike last week, a little '79 CX500) and one is adjustable. It's going to also be my 'deck work' stool, for when I'm working on my plants. Or what's left of them. :lol: :| hey, that's not funny.

Your yard is gonna look so barren when you cut those bushes down!
idk if anyone has ever asked, but what happened to your back fdd? all i know is you broke it. btw all your plants look great.
Whoa.. I didn't know he broke his back. :cry: I've never broken a bone before (which is amazing considering some of the dumbass things I've done to myself). And here all I have are herniated discs.
idk if anyone has ever asked, but what happened to your back fdd? all i know is you broke it. btw all your plants look great.

we were out of town building a winery. i don't usually drink. the boss took us out to the pool hall one of the first nights out. all 5 of us got to drunk to drive. we walked back to the hotel. on the way back we were being dumb and drunk. breaking things and jumping thru shrubbery. i saw a small grouping of low hedges in the middle of a big lawn. i said "watch me do a cannonball into this bush". just as i jump my buddy screams "fdd, don't". i landed square on my tail bone on the cement slab that was surrounding the water piping. i missed the piping by inches. that would have been even worse. so the next morning i walked back to get the truck. halfway there i knew i was screwed. the boss never offered me any attention for it. just told me to get to work. i didn't have it looked at until just this year. it happened 4 years ago. my T5 is protruding into my sciatica. when it gets inflamed my right leg goes numb. i stumble a lot because of the weakness on one side. my balance is all outta whack. i get really bad muscle spasms that lay me out for 3 to 4 days. i am supposed to be getting an epidural to help relieve the pain but the Dr is lagging. :evil:
I should buy the house next door to you .. do you have gang problems there ?

my wife just told me the neighbors directly across from us may be moving. it's a really nice neighborhood for where it is. no gangs. it's quiet and safe. i have been here 15 years with no problems. :blsmoke:
we were out of town building a winery. i don't usually drink. the boss took us out to the pool hall one of the first nights out. all 5 of us got to drunk to drive. we walked back to the hotel. on the way back we were being dumb and drunk. breaking things and jumping thru shrubbery. i saw a small grouping of low hedges in the middle of a big lawn. i said "watch me do a cannonball into this bush". just as i jump my buddy screams "fdd, don't". i landed square on my tail bone on the cement slab that was surrounding the water piping. i missed the piping by inches. that would have been even worse. so the next morning i walked back to get the truck. halfway there i knew i was screwed. the boss never offered me any attention for it. just told me to get to work. i didn't have it looked at until just this year. it happened 4 years ago. my T5 is protruding into my sciatica. when it gets inflamed my right leg goes numb. i stumble a lot because of the weakness on one side. my balance is all outta whack. i get really bad muscle spasms that lay me out for 3 to 4 days. i am supposed to be getting an epidural to help relieve the pain but the Dr is lagging. :evil:
Good luck with that. I was offered epidurals, with NO guarantees. I was also offered surgery, fuck THAT, they're not cutting into my back. When I lived in SoCal I finally got one pain management doc (my dad's a doc, too, so it's not like I have anything against western medicine) to refer me to an acupuncturist and she got me back to 80%. I wish she lived up here.