Federal Salaries- WTF???


Well-Known Member
Apparently working in government pays... on average, almost 200% more than the private sector pays in salaries... i know there's a disparity because of the sheer size of the private workforce, and the different types of jobs vs. the BIG BAD FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

i personally think this is bullshit....

i'll use an analogy from a documentary performed on American Airlines:

The manager needed to cut costs. There was a security guard at an installation. He put the guard 3 nights a week. After a couple of months he got rid of the security guard and put a dog as security. after about a year he got rid of the dog (dog food can be a bitch on a budget) and put up a security camera...... it worked marvelously...

cutting costs is not too hard, but no one in washington is willing to give up their piece of the pie, even if it's for the better..... american greed at it's finest....

70k per year on average........ i don't even want to know if this includes consulting work done by private citizens.... you know, consultants, advisers... 100k for 5 months of consulting is not unusual in politics.... then that contract is renewed again and again.... giving some enterprises incomes of 300k per year for 'consulting', more like wining and dining on the tax-payer dime.... to then have those drunken rich assholes manage their firms into bankrupcy, so they can ride their Cessna Citations into washington to ask for billions of dollars............

makes me sick...

what do you guyz think of this one

life's a bitch aint it??


New Member
Apparently working in government pays... on average, almost 200% more than the private sector pays in salaries... i know there's a disparity because of the sheer size of the private workforce, and the different types of jobs vs. the BIG BAD FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

i personally think this is bullshit....

i'll use an analogy from a documentary performed on American Airlines:

The manager needed to cut costs. There was a security guard at an installation. He put the guard 3 nights a week. After a couple of months he got rid of the security guard and put a dog as security. after about a year he got rid of the dog (dog food can be a bitch on a budget) and put up a security camera...... it worked marvelously...

cutting costs is not too hard, but no one in washington is willing to give up their piece of the pie, even if it's for the better..... american greed at it's finest....

70k per year on average........ i don't even want to know if this includes consulting work done by private citizens.... you know, consultants, advisers... 100k for 5 months of consulting is not unusual in politics.... then that contract is renewed again and again.... giving some enterprises incomes of 300k per year for 'consulting', more like wining and dining on the tax-payer dime.... to then have those drunken rich assholes manage their firms into bankrupcy, so they can ride their Cessna Citations into washington to ask for billions of dollars............

makes me sick...

what do you guyz think of this one

life's a bitch aint it??
I think if I were young again, I'd start applying for one of those government jobs. I could have had a few, but remained in the private sector, makes me wonder why now. They have testing through the post offices for applying, instead of bitching, get started applying. Maybe this time next year you could be on the US payroll. Please don't tell me you're too proud to accept a 70K+ government job.


New Member
I think if I were young again, I'd start applying for one of those government jobs. I could have had a few, but remained in the private sector, makes me wonder why now. They have testing through the post offices for applying, instead of bitching, get started applying. Maybe this time next year you could be on the US payroll. Please don't tell me you're too proud to accept a 70K+ government job.
^^^ Spoken by the guy who thinks government cheese tastes great. :lol:

The federal government is largely a massive welfare program.


Well-Known Member
government cheese does taste great... it's a bitch to cut though.... have you seen the Steve Harvey comedy show where he does a skit on this??

anyways, the government has to start cutting some of that payroll expense.... even if that means clever scheduling, and even.... GASP! firing some parasites.... there's gotta be thousands of them, if the avg payroll is 70k......


New Member
government cheese does taste great... it's a bitch to cut though.... have you seen the Steve Harvey comedy show where he does a skit on this??

anyways, the government has to start cutting some of that payroll expense.... even if that means clever scheduling, and even.... GASP! firing some parasites.... there's gotta be thousands of them, if the avg payroll is 70k......
^^^ Living in California, I can attest to the over paid and bloated bureaucracies on the state level. I can only imagine the depths to which the federal government has gone.

Want to see something interesting? Look up Federal agencies in the front of your phone book and take a look at how many DEA offices there are in your state. Mind boggling.


Well-Known Member
have you seen the videos that say that like 80% of ALL law enforcement and courts' resources end up going to non-violent drug offenders (90% of which have to do with marijuana)??

there's a couple of documentaries on the subject...... if the drug policy were to be changed, a LOT of money and resources could be diverted to tackling the real problems in this country..... don't even get me started on the subject... me and CJ have been going at it for like a week.... in the pro-PALIN thread of all places...

if weed were legal i'd start with a industrial-hemp/corn (depends on the soil conditions, may even be a rotating crops type deal) farm... with a barn dedicated to making bio-fuels.... a deep well to make sure i have some water for the house, solar panels or a wind turbine so the house is self sufficient in those areas.....

and an outdoor patch with 10-15 ladies, sativa strain, i don't like indica highs too much.........mmm... maybe someday....:bigjoint::bigjoint:

back to subject....

federal salaries, what the fuck??? come on people, let's criticize this bullshit... i know alot of you know what i'm talking about because it was on FOX NEWS all morning....

yes, I WATCH FOX NEWS, sometimes when i'm feeling down and need a good laugh..... :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


New Member
redivider ...

Here in California, 90% of the top management in the Highway Patrol retire on job related DISABILITY. They're not disabled of course, they just get a LOT more retirement money this way instead of getting the regular retirement pay. Here's the kicker: This is an agency that will fire a rank and file officer who is caught in the slightest lie, and yet, the top management thinks nothing of lying about their physical condition in order to pull one over on the taxpayer.

Check this out: http://www.caltax.org/documents/2004/Hill-Korber-CHPUrgesPensionProbe12-1-04.pdf