Let us use that same simple equation. Take the number of fraudulent votes and subtract them from the number of voters who are no longer able to vote because of Voter ID laws. if the number is more than zero then those who advocate voter ID are the ones with no respect for democracy. I have posed a few of the studies that indicate that legitimate voters may not have supporting documentation - as many as 11 percent according to some studies. Now how about you show us something rather than simply stating that Sanchez stole her election. All you seem to have is rumor. I posted solild evidence for my case.
Are those 11% of voters normally distributed across the political spectrum, i.e. is it only (or mostly) Democrats who don't have supporting documentation? If it is normally distributed then the net effect is essentially zero and no problem in determining outcome.
I can already hear you and Buck: "Poorest hardest hit...".
My proposed solution for the democrats is to get out ahead of the elections that they want to rig and help all of their voters dig through the couch cushions and other crafty hiding places where their IDs have been hiding.
Isn't it embarrassing to you guys to have to get on here and admit that your party is filled with a bunch of nincompoops so dumb that a large percentage of them can't find their driver's license? And to further the embarrassment, nobody ever accuses the other party of having such a problem?
And further, if you are an independent voter trying to decide who to vote for, who are you going to favor, the side that does everything in their power to protect and embrace voter fraud, or the side that tries to do something about it?