Feds to resume the Death Penalty

Do you approve of the death penalty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • No

    Votes: 11 68.8%

  • Total voters
I only agree with the death penalty for the worst and no shadow of doubt they are guilty.

Idk, Topcat. There are lifers who are use to and are not missing out on anything in society. You be surprised what you can get use to not having. Once those guys let go and stop clinging to the outside, suffering is no longer a factor in the time they have to do. It is us who imagine they are suffering because we haven’t had to go through lifetime confinement.

Some prisons are party houses, when I had to do maintenance you could smell fake weed everywhere you go. You got hooch, fake weed, and other drugs in every block . I have also seen inmates fucking female guards and it was consensual. You can drink, smoke, gamble, eat good with commissary, get a personal mini TV, even pay a female guard for sex in some situations.
I only agree with the death penalty for the worst and no shadow of doubt they are guilty.

Some prisons are party houses, when I had to do maintenance you could smell fake weed everywhere you go. You got hooch, fake weed, and other drugs in every block . I have also seen inmates fucking female guards and it was consensual. You can drink, smoke, gamble, eat good with commissary, get a personal mini TV, even pay a female guard for sex in some situations.
So maybe Dylan Roof is innocent, and doesn't deserve the death penalty. Possibly we may find out in a few years he is innocent, and let him out of jail. Or maybe Trump will pardon him, because Trump is Hitler as we all know. Is this what you support @UncleBuck ?

If a white supremacist killed Jews in a synagogue, should they get the death penalty?
You chain that little cunt to a line of men chopping fire lines 12 hours a day for 6 days a week. He’ll be trying to escape by suicide. You’ve never done a lick of physical work have you? You’ve never worked a shovel for hours and hours. Day after day. Especially if you were not getting anything but 3 meals and a bunk. And the meals don’t have to be hot and often they’re not. Johnny sacks. Your stupidity and ignorance of everything is almost overwhelming.
We have this weird clause about no cruel and unusual punishments in some document or the other
Killing someone in cold blood should be written into the law as someone voluntarily surrendering their right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment. One of my best friends was kidnapped, raped and murdered after being tortured by a guy named William Wayne Gilbert. New Mexico. He was a serial killer. Sentenced to death. Then Governor Tony Anaya gave clemency on the death penalty and the death row inmates got life.

He escaped with some other really violent killers and sex offenders including a bad cop from Roswell NM. They made it to California and the case is on the internet I’m sure. No details here except what they did to that family is all the evidence I need to say fuck their rights.

Instead he died a slow painful death of liver cancer. In prison. No mercy for that rat bastard. Chain gang. I’ve seen it. A lot. You could hear them sweeping the streets. Walking in time, sweeping in time. Listen to the sounds of the men working on the chain gang. A popular old rock and roll number. Bring them back.

Breaking rock piles with sledgehammers? Yes they did. Making gravel for the county and earning a sammich.
Trump himself wants this back for drug dealers among other crimes. He said so. This doesn’t deserve liberation by death. If you think these guys are scared the whole time they’re awaiting execution you’d be disappointed with reality. They’re locked up locked up. They ain’t going to the yard. They’re not freaking out when they inject them. They just die and it’s over for them. Instead life on the chain for the worst like the violent ones. Maybe something more productive for the other SERIOUS criminals.
Isn't it odd that Julian Assange has been kidnapped and tortured for EXPOSING federal crimes, wherein innocent people were murdered ? Should the murdering drone operators be executed ?

It's amazing how so many people keep missing "murder" when it's right under their nose.
You’re a dyed in the wool trump cocksucker

You support a felon kid fucker who cried over and over and over again for his political opponent to be locked up without due process

So excuse me if I feel like rubbing your nose in the piss you left on the carpet you lying sack if shit

If you had one concern about due process your support of the conman would have ended years ago

You are un-American as they come
Go find all my trumpsucking post, I know you love doing that lol it'll definitely be fun to see if I posted anything serious and not sarcastic or jokingly
Isn't it odd that Julian Assange has been kidnapped and tortured for EXPOSING federal crimes, wherein innocent people were murdered ? Should the murdering drone operators be executed ?

It's amazing how so many people keep missing "murder" when it's right under their nose.
He didn't so much 'expose' as he 'weaponized' stolen federal documents.
Should Dylan Roof get the death penalty?

We could spend 25 cents on a bullet and be done with him. Or do you not think so?
I am afraid that if we killed him it would outrage you to the point where you would strap on your body armor (boy's-medium), festoon your stooped frame with guns and ammunition and drive your mom's car (poor woman) into some quiet neighborhood and start to kill people. I think keeping him alive and in a cell acts as a deterrent to rat-children like you.
Isn't it odd that Julian Assange has been kidnapped and tortured for EXPOSING federal crimes, wherein innocent people were murdered ? Should the murdering drone operators be executed ?

It's amazing how so many people keep missing "murder" when it's right under their nose.
I think you meant to say arrested for rape

Julian assange was arrested for rape
I think you meant to say arrested for rape

Julian assange was arrested for rape

Yes, he's quite a rapist too. I heard he raped two at once and then celebrated his rape afterward by decorating his prison walls with feces. I'm beginning to see a link between rape and irresponsible fecal matter placement. You guys aren't related are you?
I am afraid that if we killed him it would outrage you to the point where you would strap on your body armor (boy's-medium), festoon your stooped frame with guns and ammunition and drive your mom's car (poor woman) into some quiet neighborhood and start to kill people. I think keeping him alive and in a cell acts as a deterrent to rat-children like you.
Funny, I actually would support killing him, isn't strange that you find yourself defending a white man who killed innocent black people?