feed you plant this!!!


Well-Known Member
Other Than Boiling Potatos And Carrots For Free Nutrients What Other Way Can I Feed My Plants Without Spending Cash?


Well-Known Member
Um, just buy the nutrients. Get some miracle grow that is close to 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 for veg, and 10-20-10 for flowering. They are like 5 dollars for enough for several grows. If you dont have 5 dollars, you shouldnt be growing. And who is buying the carrots and potatoes you will be using for your crazy nutrient solution?


Well-Known Member
DONT USE MIRACLE GROW!!!!! Miracle grow is bad for your plants, and it makes your smoke harsh! For vegging buy fish emulsion 5-1-1. Once flowering you will need to buy some high quality ferts. Most experianced people will agree that miracle grow is horrible. Plus you DONT want an even ratio for pot. You want high in N while vegging, and high in P-K when flowering.


Well-Known Member
my friend has used miracle grow and if you flush it ok it really doesn't make it taste any worse

but i do agree you should go for something a bit higher quality, but if youre under budget just do what you can


Well-Known Member
You have got to be kidding me,right :lol:

If you plan on using home made nute's from boiling carrotts & taters dont expect much.

How can you possibly be so broke you can afford internet service & cant come up with a $5 spot for fertilizer :?.