Feedback on my grow room setup?

So I'm going to be growing medical marijuana soon and I've done alot of research to get started. I finally have a plan, but before I move forward with it I'd love a little feedback on how plausible/reasonable it seems and also what kind of yields I can expect. Thanks for reading!

I plan to utilize the SOG idea by keeping 8 clones under either LED, cool white flourescent lights, or a lower watt HPS in the same room as the mama plants. After a month, I'll move the 6 best clones to another room and keep them under a 400w HPS and replace the clones. After another month I'll move the now flowering buds over (in the same room) to a 600w HPS and replace them with the clones. After another month, harvest time. I'll be circulating air out of both rooms 20-30 times an hour, releasing CO2 into the flowering room to levels as high as 1200 ppm, and have oscillating fans in both rooms. I plan to use a G13 Haze x Buddah's Sister strain and am curious as to what kind of yields I can expect. Also, if anyone could recommend how to make my setup more effective or efficient please let me know. Is there anything I'm missing/haven't thought of/should be expecting? Thanks for your expertiese and time =). One last question, anyone know how to estimate power consumption/electric bill costs?
Anybody got anything for me? I'll be starting construction soon and I'd love something to work with. I've been thinking about it, and I'm going to try 3 different strains of medical quality pot that covers different symptoms. Any suggestions on that?