Fellow believers. You say you are saved and non-believers go to hell. Well, ----

Greatest I am

Active Member
Fellow believers. You say youare saved and non-believers go to hell. Well, ----


You tell those who do notbelieve as you do, that because of their non-beliefs, that they are damned to a fate inferior toyours. Hell in fact.

That belief has madebelievers, non-believers and those of other religions war against each otherfor all of this time.


I think we should bury the hatchet,soonest.

If the religious system believerslike you preached is superior, all you would need do to win world support ishave your side walk its talk. You and your friends are not making that effortand we can all see that you are not superior in any way. If you did and showedyour worth, our collectively seeing the benefits would give your religion, allthe Abrahamic cults that is, the oneness it craves.

Showing your effectiveness isall you need do to silence the non-believers and massively win them over. Youhave not done so and Secularism is now firmly entrenched in the world.

The Abrahamic cults know thatto follow Jesus is impossible so they work to enrich themselves and do not evenattempt to end poverty. Jesus’ mission. Everyonesees this and I have to wonder if the old perverts infesting church hierarchiesare worth our resources.

Secularism on the other hand hastaken 1 billion souls out of poverty in the last twenty years and forecastsanother billion souls being raised in the next twenty years, ---- in spite ofthe wasted resources of rich religions and various warring political andreligious factions.

Myths and fairy tales likethe one above are only good if we take the good and recognize why it is good.Judge not is given to indicate that to judge is to put yourself above God.

When you and other believers,me included, say that we are saved and others are not, --- we are putting ourjudgement into God’s mouth. Shame on us.

To those who speak for God, aGod demonstrably based on a myth, I say, regardless of what you call yourself,we are all named in this quote.

See it? See your label?

"First they came for theJews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for thesocialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came forthe Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they camefor me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller(1946)”

I think the various religionsshould bury the hatchet. Don't you?
