

Well-Known Member
the other one is def male...has nuts all over...there the same age and i'm not seeing the balls all over the top nodes like the male....but i still think i see round shit but can't tell if it's male flowers.... not sure I see any white hairs on it either.... both on the 8th day of flowering

here's one it's takeing me forever to get a descent pic cause my lense is dirty and i've never cleaned it before and not sure what to use...will put another when i get it shortly....



Well-Known Member
I can't tell from that picture if it is male or female. I would let it keep going and hope for the best. It looks a little abnormal to me but I am still in my first grow so not too sure. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
let it go for about another 4-5 days, then the ball sacs would be more noticeable, it's a little early yet...


Well-Known Member
Listen ho, I thought you said you changed your avatar... I also thought you said there were lil sacs...
That to me is just new growth. But I can be wrong.


Well-Known Member
yeah i just realised why it may looked fucked up....i've been chokeing it for awhile with the string i tied the top down with....i was drunk when i did it and i thought i did it to tight but kinda forgot about it..... yeah theres a thick ring indentation in it.....i thought i noticed the growth on that one slowed down alot...... now i know why...

fuck we'll see what happens...i'm guessing hermie though..fuckin bull shit cock sucker mother fucker.....


Well-Known Member
Listen ho, I thought you said you changed your avatar... I also thought you said there were lil sacs...
That to me is just new growth. But I can be wrong.

Yeah I thought they were little sacks those little round things...but now i'm not sure....the other one def had sacks all over though ray charles could see that shit's a male.....so i thought there was no need for a pic of that...so shut up slut....ha j/k


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought they were little sacks those little round things...but now i'm not sure....the other one def had sacks all over though ray charles could see that shit's a male.....so i thought there was no need for a pic of that...so shut up slut....ha j/k
Listen bitch...know your role.


Well-Known Member

yeah so last week i was pretty sure that thing was a herm.....and it was my last plant so i said fuck it and just shut the light off....well went to throw it away today(like 4 or 5 days later)......and notice the top node is full of white hairs and looks like a good bud site....... the bottom couple nodes are the only place i see suspicous round things but am not sure if they are sacks or not.....

i pointed them out in the pics....

so wtf should i do with it.....

