Few problems with plants(Help needed, pictures inside)


Well-Known Member
Everything was going well then all of a sudden my seedlings stopped growing and some of the tips and leafs turned purple and one has a burn spot on it.

It could either be too much heat or too cold, is two conculstions I am coming to.

Also my plant that I just transplanted is starting to droop, also in all these plants I haven't used Nutes and am using Fox farm organics.

I'll post more pictures if nessary to get a better idea, help is much appreicated!

Burn spot on leaf.

[img=http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/7016/1000284.th.jpg]The purple leafs.

Droopy Leafs with Purple Leafs.

[img=http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/493/1000289.th.jpg] The tripod that is dieing.

My set up....The plant in the big pot is droopy how can I fix that?

All the stems are also purple in the red cups is this a problem?

Any feedback or tips on anything would be great!


Well-Known Member
Purple or redish stems are not necessarily bad mate, your lights are curling though. What's your watering schedule like? I'm also interested to know what your pH might be, the FF soil is a little nutrient rich for seedlings in my opinion, but others have had great success. Get your pH to 6.1-6.4 and make sure the medium dries out a bit before you water, you want to roots to search out the moisture. Good luck mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wut up man, well I think that the purple babies are from the temps being to low if it's the leaves, but if it's the stem this is perfectly normal. I would put the pots and cups on something, so they are not directly on the floor, which is probably freezing..... Main temps should never go below 65 degrees... and no high than 85 unless your running c02 which I highly doubt since your in seedling/veg stage.

Also fox farm IS fine for seedlings, just make sure it's HAPPY FROG and then switch to fox farm ocean forest when you transplant.

The drooping is almost always from overwatering, which new growers always tend to do. Just make sure the pots/cups are really light kinda like the way they felt when you added soil without the watering. Ph like the person above me said is also very important. I prefer distilled water which has a lower ph. The water I get is around 6.0 and I buy it by the gallon at the grocery store.

If problems persist by some superthrive from walmart. this should help you out and is very good for seedlings and plants with alot of stress.

Anyways, I hope I helped man and happy growin


Active Member
yea i would say that they are too cold. whats the temp? how close do u have your lights. it looks like they are too far away. u want to keep it 1 to 2 inches from the plant.


Well-Known Member
you got kushkanuck helping you out.... This would mean i am not going to be very needed here ;) hehe
Listen to what he says... pay attention to your ph... and your temperatures... above the plant.. and under the roots...
good luck man!!!!!


Well-Known Member
1 - To hot or to cold
2 - over watering/duner watering
3 - PH level to high or to low

does thoes cups have drainage holes at the bottom? if not it would be a good idea to have some so that you don't drown them


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replys...

I am not sure what the Ph levels are, I don't have a ph tester kit, but I am using distillied water from walmart and the ocean forest for my seedlings.

I have peat pots in those plastic cups so water drainage is actually pretty good all excess goes right to the bottom.

I always let it dry out then I add more water, I on normal bases have to water about everyday or 2.

The temperature in my grow room goes from 70-82, its naturally 70 I turn on my heater to get it up to 82 throughout the day.

Also the roots are starting to poke through the bottom of the peat pot should I transfer it to a new canister(maybe the rots are getting to much air?).

The leafs on some are starting to turn yellowish, hah just one problem after another!

Thanks all for the help!


Well-Known Member
If your roots are poking through the peat you're going to want to transplant. The roots are expanding quickly and are trying to search out some nitrogen. Your pH should be acceptable if you're using distilled water, the FFoF is pretty good stuff. If you're a coffee drinker, take some of the excess grinds in your coffee maker and give your plants a little topping of them, evenly distributed. Coffee grinds tend to carry an N-P-K ratio of 2.1-0.3-0.4 usually so they can be a nice early supplement for starts, it'll improve your yellowing leaves. If you can get your hands on some, get some insect-eating bat guano, a slight amount can do a world of difference with a watering. Other than that, get your plants out of your cups and into bigger containers, give very minor supplements, and just let nature take its course :weed:. Keep up the good work mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok great thanks man you seem to know alot and offer some quite good tips!

I'm transplant the plants now and also going to put the coffee on the soil, does the coffee have to come from the coffee maker or can I use it straight out of my folgers can?

I think my problem with my purple leafs are my humidifer, its blowing out cold air and now another plants leafs are starting to turn purple, whats a soultion to this?
Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Ok great thanks man you seem to know alot and offer some quite good tips!

I'm transplant the plants now and also going to put the coffee on the soil, does the coffee have to come from the coffee maker or can I use it straight out of my folgers can?

I think my problem with my purple leafs are my humidifer, its blowing out cold air and now another plants leafs are starting to turn purple, whats a soultion to this?
Thanks again!
Thank you for the compliment, I just want to see soil growers, and those with a passion for organics, succeed with their grows.

You CANNOT use the grinds right from the can, they must be brewed or filtered (may as well have a coffee though ;)). If you use grinds from the can they will through your soil's pH off badly, I've had spikes up to nearly 7.0!! :wall:. Let the used grinds sit on a fresh coffee filter (or a couple to avoid mess) for 3-4 hours and they'll be ready for a topping on your soil.

As for the purpling stems, what's the temperature in your grow room? It sounds like it's too low and the plant isn't adjusting. You should be shooting for 65-75 degrees (night-day) for optimal plant growth, the exception being seedlings. Good luck, I'll be around :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
When I woke up this morning this temperature was 68 I've fired up my heater and now its up to 72 with humidity of 40.

I usually aim for 82 degrees while i'm here and then I shut it off until it drops back down to about the low 70s.

All the plants still look like they have stunted growth, just transplanted them all to a bigger cup.

Also a seedling that has been doing great is starting to get slightly starting to get yellow tips....a problem to be concerned with?


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily, if you're going to be giving a minor feeding of nitrogen anyways, that will clear up in time. I wouldn't lose sleep over it, let's put it that way. As long as you can keep your temperatures in that range, and your plants aren't sitting on a cold surface, you should be okay and the plants will bounce back. Good luck

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Great! ill raise them off the ground, and hope for the best.

Thanks once again, all this information is most helpful.


Well-Known Member
Will do man.

Just one final question for the time being..... About the coffee grinds, will they affect the ph level at all? Also when I added them to the soil do I want them to be soggy like they are now or like you said wait abit until completely dried out?

Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
The coffee grinds, as long as they are used or filtered, will +/- by 0.1 on a pH scale, nothing like unfiltered/used grinds. The wait time on the counter or whatnot is for drying purposes, the grinds should be "moist" but mostly dried up. 4-6 Hours should do the trick for you :blsmoke:. Enjoy!

KC "leaf:


Well-Known Member
Awesome starting to get confeidence again, for a little while I was thinking it was all over!

I keep my lights on 24/7 i read that it a good idea to give the plants some type of dark time, in your opinion do you think i should introduce some dark time or is 24 of light sufficient enough?


Well-Known Member
I keep all my starts on 24/0 for the first two weeks of life, usually by that time the plants are 6-14" and I switch to 18/6 for two more weeks before entering flowering. This emulates nature's light cycles with the changes and reduces any shock from switch from 24/0 to 12/12 directly. You should be good with 24/0 mate :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok great that was on one of my concerns list, I added the coffee grinds today, hopefully like you said nature will take its toll and they will bounce back!