Field Trip Time

Chewy, you opening a weed hotel?

From someone who lives outwith America, this sounds like a lovely dream. Hope it all goes well.
That's great good luck buddy!
So, you hiring, Chewie? Le Cordon Bleu trained chef willing to relocate(willing do anything that pays a livable wage)
Not yet, but expansion is based upon success. I will open another one in Washington fresh ground up with all kinds of crazy features.
Right, Meta? Chewy, you got a spot for a guy with ADD? I might not finish my projects, but I will start a lot could be like the RIU ship, only for real.
Always room for one of these...
For real...I'm a hard worker, been at the same job for the past 6 years. Lets get this goin'!
you must visit sometime...
I could do some roadhouse style security.
I be nice
Fuck yeah "Roadhouse"
Chewy, you opening a weed hotel?

From someone who lives outwith America, this sounds like a lovely dream. Hope it all goes well.
Yes, it's in progress. Well, already existing and running just converting.
I could drive the bus...... be the tour guide.
I just want you to move next door to me.
So we still doing this or who wants my password?
Any suggestions on my dog/bible thread?
Don't really have the effort to care to continue it...
Or do you have Trollers Guilt? ;)
I just want you to move next door to me. ;)

Don't say that unless you mean it.

If you don't mean it, is there a small room for rent on the top shelf, with a low monthly rate?..... and can I walk all around the place in my underwear? I like to eat ma breakfast in ma underwear. Also, bea warned that I cut the front out of my underwear. I like to be comando, but I need the safety of a shart screen/catcher, IBS and all, you know.