Fighting While High?


Well-Known Member
do northern(preferably, but southern is good, too.) gongfu, miracle. it's THE martial art, and muay thai originated from it.


Well-Known Member
I've wrestled most my life and dope would make me a whole lot more foced which in return would get me more opeans and I would win matches. So every day I would smokeup before pratice. But I would never smopeup before a competition. Don't wanna get stupid


Well-Known Member
^ Sicc fight story aye yo on the real tip fighting is best left to us sober ppls you know if you're duckin weavin you dont need disctraction of being fucked up just concentrate on your body and react to what the other guy is doing.
Thats why fighting is like dancing. I remember when dudes maybe taller or bigger whatever but you just wait, wait, watch they movements then BAM strike, and they go down every time.

But like my quote says, I dont advicate violence, words are more powerful for me now.
lounge 8)


Active Member
yes it does make you fight better i can tell from experience before i went to school one day i smoke a big blunt... when i reach school there was this boy who was in the lunch line with me and he push me out the line i just got up and punch him like ten times before the fight was stop


New Member
wow this is wierd, i just fought this kid the other day when i was high. i was skateboarding and one of my friends came up to me. he said that this kid was talkin shit on me. i was havin a bad week and this was something i really didn't want to hear. so i decided to smoke a blunt with my friend. while we were smokin it we were talking about how much of a fag this guy was. it turned out that this guy was walking on this path near my house and me and my friend decided to go over there. when we arrived at the path he was acting like he was all tough and shit. i confronted him about talking shit behind my back. he said he didn't know what i was talkin about, so i asked my friend who was standing right beside me if he heard this guy talkin shit on me he said yea. the guy got all white in the face and i said that i was going to kick his ass, and he said yea right. so i faked a left and gave him a haymacker to the jaw he stumbled and i started throwing punches like nobodies buisness and he started to get up and it was like i was in a video game or some shit. it was awsome. it felt like i was in my own world and could only focus on my hands hiting his face. and after the fight i smoked another blunt and i was fuckn baked. best day of the week tho.

check out my skate vid....

hehe anyway's I have had alot of fights with albanien, bosnien, croations, Jugos ^^ so its ok man... never had a fight sober ^^

oh yeah when i was young but that was more like pussy style fights ^^


Active Member
I never fought while high, I don't think it would help me personally. I am a good fighter while sober and I think that me smoking would really decrease my aim and quickness.