Filling the Resevoir Tips Wanted


Well-Known Member
I am in the process of filling my 32 gallon rez. Wow. I underestimated how much water 28-30 gallons is. (i figure 28-30 b/c I'm only filling it to the bottom of the 6 inch net) I have to walk up a flight of stairs to fill the 2 gallon Deer Park container.

I have a pretty big pump. 400 Gallon per hour. I am using this and a hose to empty into buckets at resevoir change. In the meantime I am attaching a 4 way splitter to add more bubbles.

It seems the easiest way to fill it next time is to fill the buckets up and pump it.

Does anybody have any tips?

Can I go 14 days (like fox farm reccoemends) between rez changes? I also have 4 8 inch air stones along with the pump.


Well-Known Member
put your rez on wheels and if you got proper connection you could run a hose temp from the faucet,other than that its just part of the work.


Well-Known Member
That's a great idea, I wish I could do that. The only issue I have is why it is located it's in a tent that has a protective bottom. Id still have to lift it. It's also a bit hidden so moving it is tough.

Do they sell adaptors with a hose attachement for the sink that has an extension? Ive never seen that. Google, here i come.


Well-Known Member
if its like my sink you can un screw the round "lip" it actullay houses a screen inside,you can screw the hose to the spigot


Well-Known Member
I just hooked up my R/O filter like that... $10 at a local hardware store to make it fit a hose... Just needed two parts.

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Yeah just get a hose and attachment for a water bed...hooks up easily to a sink.....what are ur plans for taking the water out and where to?

Miss M