Filling you in on what went on in the past 2 grows!


Well-Known Member
So awhile ago i started using this site to help me learn the basics on growing. I spent more than 3 months reading and planning and patiently waiting for the day for me to grow.
Well i had finally started to grow but my camera took a shit on me along with my computer.Def had some abuse befor eboth of them took a shit.well i got new ones of both and am now ready to share with you all what ive been doing and soon load pics up for you all to see what it looks like.
I started off with 2 8 bulb Flourescents but was not happy with the light penetration or strength. I wont go into to much detail about what made me get to where i was but this is the system i have now.
I have a vegging room with a 600w HID,air cooled hood and an inline fan rated around 650 cfm.No need for filter or tent caus eim on a 24 hr light cycle and they dont smell bad enough for a carbon filter.
My Flowering room is where its at. I got a growbox tent,600w HID air cooled hood like the vegging room also hooked up to a high cfm inline fan. I have a c02 system also hooked up.Id write all the numbers and times on how i have it working if someone were to ask me but if not its to much to also have all the exhaust pumping through a huge carbon filter to make sure my neighbors dont happen to smell it all the time.The every once in awhile skunk like smell happens but luckilly we have a skunk problem around my house so it means nothing if some smell leaks.
Im on my complete second grow and it was completly succesful just like the first one. Each time i get better. Im using soil and advanced nutrient.Foxfarm ocean forest.Best shit in the world would highly recomend it.Just add a little perlite to it and its perfect. This round i have 3 White widow and 1 Pure Power Plant.The widow is from greenhouse seed co and the ppp nirvana. The first round i had 1 ppp 1 Durban Poison 1 Kush and 1 Power Skunk. I pulled the power skunk as it wasnt growing to my liking and rather had the space for my awesom ppp.that was the first and second.
What im working on now is a loolipop technique involving tubberware containers painted to block light with some kush seeds and some durban poison seeds.There are 18 total of them and i have a 4 foot monster kush plant all that will be pushed to flowering in 2 or 3 weeks max.
There is so much to write about that i probablly rambled like a fool but the only way i could have done all this was the community at rollitup. IF anyone desires to know more about my system or what i do let me know. Sure will post more as soon as i can. i do leave for a vacation to florida for 2 weeks leaving sunday!!!! and dont worry already have a babysitter who had a grow of his own! thanks guys for reading.if anyone did and made it this