Filtered water for less


Well-Known Member
Including mine! :lol:

(Our Walmart should be renamed the county seat, it is THE place to see and be seen, I'm tellin' ya.)


Well-Known Member
Businesses die a painful death here, Solomon. It's not a pretty sight. I may set up my own "private" business, though. ;)


Well-Known Member
Excellent post, I will surely be using the Mr. Clean rig once I exhaust the bottles of water I have already paid for at the water store I buy from. + Rep for you OnSolomonsGrave.


Well-Known Member
coincidence? you make the call.

wally-world is horrible. even if i didn't despise it for their moral depravity here and abroad, it attracts the absolute dregs of society. i feel filthy if i happen to step foot in one, like i need to shower when i get home.
Thats the thing though, I am semi assuming semi informed i think that sea lives in a small town, i remember living a small town and going into a walmart, they were nice clean, everyone was nice. Now i have also been to one in a big city and i feel what you are saying, it's like they let them slip in quality over time.


Well-Known Member
it's not the quality. it's the prices that attract the dregs. that's just real.

and about coincidence, there is only room in a small town for Wally OR a few smaller business that would exist happily - if it were not for Wally and his buying power and cheap foreign-made merchandise with a price tag most just can't resist. I've seen it happen, and it's not just wally. Guitar Center has hurt local guitar shops. Home Depot and Lowe's hurt your local hardware stores. Sports stores, electronics, you name it ..

There are a lot of aspects to it, but a large part of it is a shift away from customer service entirely. The consumer has become largely self-sufficient, knowing what they want before they enter the store. That's fine, but in the event you *need* customer service, good luck getting it from the 19-year-old kid (or 45-year-old burnout) who has no idea where the fuck anything is, not to mention anything about any of the merchandise.


Well-Known Member
coincidence? you make the call.

wally-world is horrible. even if i didn't despise it for their moral depravity here and abroad, it attracts the absolute dregs of society. i feel filthy if i happen to step foot in one, like i need to shower when i get home.
Cee, you have GOT to come up and visit us sometime, then you'll understand what I mean. Let's take a couple of my neighbors, both of whom started their own businesses right here in our little "town".

One is called Bean There Before--Coffee and Consignment shop. Want to know what her brilliant idea is? To have a coffee house in the same space as a consignment clothing store. She doesn't OWN the clothing (or furniture, or "artwork"), but she wants to serve coffee, because everyone's been waiting for that special clothing store where you can enjoy your gigant-O latte while pawing through someone else's old clothes that are priced even higher than the brand new stuff you can get at Ross in Folsom.
And, here's the thing! When she bought the business, it was originally a video/bookstore with a coffee shop, and everyone LOVED it! If they would have stayed open past 6pm the owner probably wouldn't have gone belly up (although word through the grapevine is that he lost his money at the Rancheria).

Second neighbor, Larry. Opened up yet another consignment shop. Wheels and Wood. Wheels and Wood? you say? Yeah, Wheels, as in motorcycles, quadrunners and bicycles. And Wood, as in CABINETRY. Cabinetry and motorcycles! Why EVERYONE'S been waiting for it! I can't believe NO ONE THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE! (I actually told Larry this and you should have seen how he BEAMED.)
Except now there's also a bunch of junk, and t-shirts, and he's only open on Fridays and Saturdays. And the motorcycles that he has on consignment he rides all over the place, as though they're his! I call the place Wooden Wheels. :lol:

This hasn't got jack to do with Walmart, cee. While Petco did kill Pets & Stuff, Walmart hasn't got jack to do with all the shitty restaurants (do we REALLY need yet one more crappy Italian restaurant here? REALLY???) and pisspoor business practices that one encounters here. Not to mention the Good Ol' Boys Club that runs the county, as in the whole reason why Collette isn't actually serving coffee is because for some reason the county has decided, even though the exact same space already WAS serving coffee and pre-made food, that the septic system must be changed out before they'll issue her a permit. The same fucking county officials that give A ratings to restaurants that are NOTORIOUS for making people ill. :rolleyes:

If you're in a mood to read things that make you want to :wall: just you let me know. We truly ARE Amateur County up here, Podunkville, land of the inbred rednecks. Of course, they're all good Christians. 'Cept the ones that fuck kids, but they'll be forgiven anyway. :lol:
it's not the quality. it's the prices that attract the dregs. that's just real.

and about coincidence, there is only room in a small town for Wally OR a few smaller business that would exist happily - if it were not for Wally and his buying power and cheap foreign-made merchandise with a price tag most just can't resist. I've seen it happen, and it's not just wally. Guitar Center has hurt local guitar shops. Home Depot and Lowe's hurt your local hardware stores. Sports stores, electronics, you name it ..
Again, not here. :lol: Honestly, you really and truly have to see it to believe it.
There are a lot of aspects to it, but a large part of it is a shift away from customer service entirely. The consumer has become largely self-sufficient, knowing what they want before they enter the store. That's fine, but in the event you *need* customer service, good luck getting it from the 19-year-old kid (or 45-year-old burnout) who has no idea where the fuck anything is, not to mention anything about any of the merchandise.
Yep, you've gotta come experience Amateur County for yourself. Walmart is the high class joint where you actually receive a smile and customer service.


Well-Known Member
^^^ hey, does dave have another account ? hahahaaaaa :)

wow, that sounds akin to some prairie home companion shit. that is truly hilarious...

coffee and consignment ... just .. sounds .. awful .. the same feeling I described (roughly "icky") times ten is somewhere in the neighborhood of what Goodwill does to me when I go shopping for Halloween every year. Just .. retarded.


Well-Known Member
^^^ hey, does dave have another account ? hahahaaaaa :)

wow, that sounds akin to some prairie home companion shit. that is truly hilarious...

coffee and consignment ... just .. sounds .. awful .. the same feeling I described (roughly "icky") times ten is somewhere in the neighborhood of what Goodwill does to me when I go shopping for Halloween every year. Just .. retarded.
Uh, that's one way of putting it. :D And Larry's Wooden Wheels.. I mean Wheels and Wood! That one's a fucking DOOZY, I about hit the deck when Dave told me about it. But, it is for real.

Oh oh! Next county over, in a place called West Point (where missing teeth are a fashion statement), there's an auto REPARE shop. :lol: :lol: :lol:

(I think I could spot that man in a heartbeat, I don't think it's The Man)


Well-Known Member
Damn Seamaiden, we live in the same town, only in differant states. I am thinking of opening a combination christian bookstore and topless bar so that all the hypocritical assholes here can come in the bookstore door to keep up appearances and head directly to the bar to help "save" all the sinful girls. The only saving grace is that I live way out in the boonies and only have to head into Mayberry four days a week to work. Then its back home to tend my babies and try to smoke enough to forget where I am living.