FIM, LST and supercropping 1 month into flower


Active Member
Thought i'd post a few pics of my current grow. Trying out a few techniques i learnt from this site, possibly a few too many to try at once but everything seems to be going well so far. This is my 4th grow, the last one sucked though due to spider mites and using the wrong ph readers (dye for soil, range 6.2-7.2 doh).

I have 5 plants, 2 white widow, 3 cheese under 1 400w and 1 600w sodium in a 2"x5" hydro table on Ionic feed. These are 1 month into flower after fim and lst while vegging. I fimmed way to early on a couple and they took a little longer to grow meaning the biggest grower took over and i started lst on this one way before the rest. This meant when i fucked off for a few days for work the others overtook the biggest and now its the smallest but has the most bud sites (although they arnt developing as quick as the others due to being further from the light and a little shaded by the rest). You can see in the pictures the corner nearest the bucket is a lot lower than the rest.

Since i fucked off the smaller plants really reached for the light and took the height advantge by a long way so i decided to try super cropping.
Man im really glad i did! im now getting lots of decent looking buds forming all over the canopy,much more than i've had on previous grows from the same strains. Had to re-bend and add more weight to a few of the branches to keep them horizontal but everything seems to be going well so far.

Have a look at the pics and see what you think yourself. Comments welcome :)



Active Member
Here's some new pics 5 (ish) weeks in.

Everything seems to be going well so far, 4 branches are too heavy to support their own weight :)

Some of the branches i bent over have grown back towards the light even with the weights i put on them but i don't think i want to bend them back now so they can put all their energy into growing bud.

I've just started adding boost to their nutes but i need to do a new CO2 yeast bottle. Every time i change the bottle i can see the results the next day! I love it.



Active Member
Buds are getting on nicely but im a bit concerned by a few of the leaves. I've had a spider mite problem again and quite a few leaves have started turning yellow between the veins.

I've just changed the water and nutes (hadn't been done for a little over 2 weeks) and given them a good soaking with spray safe which hopefully should help but im concerned none the less.

I've attached pics of a few of the leaves (and buds for fun), what do you reckon? Maybe potasium deficiency?

The spider mites have retreated but i know its only a matter of time before they come back, i can never quite get all of them. My mate was talking about a block like an air freshener that you could get that kills all invertibrates. Anyone heard of anything like this? it sounds like the perfect solution having something airbourne that kills them rather than needing actual contact with the mites.



Active Member
Changing the water seems to have done the job, the leaves seem to have stopped yellowing. The mites are coming back though, i gave them another spray but i need to go get more.

Other than that they seem to be doing ok, buds are firming up nicely and most of the branches can't support their own weight any more.

I tried colour correcting the photos this time to try to compensate for the lights but it only half worked



Active Member
Well i took most of the big tops off last night. I would have liked to leave them a little longer to wait for more trichs to darken but i got some bud rot and lost a couple of tops. I'm going away for a few days tomorrow so decided to take what i had now and not risk losing any more. Haven't weighed it yet and there is still middle and under bud to come so i wont know yeild for a whle but it looks pretty good.
Took these on my phone cos my camera has run out of battery.



Active Member
Haven't been here in a while, been enjoying my crop too much! They finally weighed in at 21.5oz dry, not bad for 5 plants.

Looking back on the grow i think i was too enthusiastic about tying them down early, the space that they have has lots of height but not much outward space so i think next time just fimming them early, letting them grow a bit, fimming again and super cropping the buds as they start to develop.

The other main thing i've really come to appreciate is the difference between really looking after your plants and kinda looking after your plants. This grow was twice as successful as the last one cos i really looked after it. Don't get complacent after a couple of grows, chech them every day man, just do it, its worth it :)